Dyck Castle in Jüchen, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

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Cover FahrRad in NRW EN

Cyc­ling in North Rhine-West­phalia

The network of cycle routes in NRW between Porta Westfalica and Bonn, Aachen and Kloster Corvey monastery near Höxter is around 29,000 kilometres long. In the Münsterland region, the terrain is generally flat, while the Sauerland region presents a greater challenge, and the Rhine has romantic landscapes to offer. Even in the hilly Bergisches Land region, there’s no need to worry that you’ll run out of breath while you pedal along.

15 x urban Adventures in NRW, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

15 x urb­an Ad­ven­tures in NRW

The booklet for your pocket shows how varied North Rhine-Westphalia's small and large cities are.

Get inspiration for your next short trip to North Rhine-Westphalia – from wild Flamingos in the Münsterland to six Unesco World Heritages Sites all over the region, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

West­ward! Tips for short trips to NRW

Get inspiration for your next short trip to North Rhine-Westphalia – from wild Flamingos in the Münsterland to six Unesco World Heritages Sites all over the region.

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