Dyck Castle in Jüchen, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

15x rail tours through NRW

Trav­el­ling right in­to the heart of the Eifel Na­tion­al Park, ex­per­i­en­cing the Rhine cit­ies in a dif­fer­ent way or mar­vel­ling at the most beau­ti­ful facades in the Teuto­burg Forest? The rail book­let con­tains ex­cit­ing rail tours across North Rhine-West­phalia. Also in­cluded: lots of in­sider tips and puzzle fun (in case the train takes longer again).

Travelling right into the heart of the Eifel National Park, experiencing the Rhine cities in a different way or marvelling at the most beautiful facades in the Teutoburg Forest? The rail booklet contains exciting rail tours across North Rhine-Westphalia. Also included: lots of insider tips and puzzle fun (in case the train takes longer again).