Hennesee in the Sauerland, © Oliver Franke, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Your search for »zoo« returned 10 results.

Zoos and zo­olo­gic­al parks

Wheth­er clas­sic zoos with an­im­als from around the world, wild­life parks with nat­ive spe­cies, or aqua parks that take vis­it­ors on jour­neys in­to the world of aquat­ic an­im­als: every single zoo in North Rhine-West­phalia houses some very spe­cial high­lights.

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Bad-weath­er days

A rainy day at the zoo, a city trip with bad weath­er guar­an­teed or a hike in a low-pres­sure area - don't give winter fa­tigue a chance with our quick tips for bad weath­er days.

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Free ex­cur­sion ad­vice

Be­ing short on money doesn’t have to be a prob­lem. Not all things that are fun also cost money, as the many free-of-charge ex­cur­sion des­tin­a­tions in NRW prove with an en­joy­able time for chil­dren and adults alike. They in­clude zoos, mu­seums, walk-in in­dus­tri­al her­it­age sites, and stately castle gar­dens.

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Bar­ri­er-free ex­per­i­ences in the Ruhr Area

The Ruhr met­ro­pol­it­an re­gion is par­tic­u­larly di­verse: Blurred city bound­ar­ies and unique in­dus­tri­al cul­ture – where coal was once mined, today there are leis­ure fa­cil­it­ies and green, bloom­ing parks. Nu­mer­ous mu­seums and theatres at­tract cul­ture en­thu­si­asts.

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Fort Fun Aben­teuer­land

Wild West ad­ven­ture park in Sauer­land

Ex­per­i­ence Wild West ad­ven­tures in Sauer­land: Europe’s longest sum­mer to­bog­gan run, hang-glider zip-wire, Lady­bird Roller­coast­er and loads more at­trac­tions at Fort Fun Aben­teuer­land.

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Schloss Her­te­feld

Hertefeld 2 / 47652 Weeze

Total area (sqm)
Persons max.
Distances in kilometres






LWL Mu­seum of Nat­ur­al His­tory in Mün­ster


Two per­man­ent ex­hib­i­tions and reg­u­lar spe­cial formats provide in­sights in­to the world of plants and an­im­als. Im­press­ive skel­et­ons, mod­els and spe­ci­mens await. The plan­et­ari­um of­fers shows for star­gazers and space fans.

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Ber­gis­cher Pan­or­ama cycle route

A com­fort­able, leis­urely tour through the hills

Do you want to cycle through the hilly Ber­g­land re­gion without get­ting in­to a sweat? The Ber­gis­cher Pan­or­ama cycle route makes this pos-sible (along most of the way).

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Mi­chael Gliss

Mi­chael Gliss made his first ap­pear­ance in the world of cof­fee in 1983 when he first en­countered the Medi­ter­ranean cof­fee cul­ture in the South of France. He soon began work­ing and dis­covered his pas­sion for this cul­ture of cof­fee.

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