Bonn city, © Michael Sondermann, Bundesstadt Bonn

Bonn pier

Ex­per­i­en­cing his­tory

The former capital city brings history back to life on Drachenburg castle as well as in the UNESCO world heritage sites of the Brühl palaces. It’s less than an hour’s journey from here to some impressive sites brimming with history. If you are rather drawn by nature, you can take a day trip into the only national park in NRW – a true paradise for lovers of nature.

Chocol­ate Mu­seum Co­logne


Co­lognes mu­seum not only of­fers his­tory, but also de­li­cious samples of the pop­u­lar sweet. 200 kilo­gramme chocol­ate con­stantly flows in the three metre high foun­tain for you to taste. At chocol­ate-praline classes there are no lim­its to the ima­gin­a­tion.

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Schloss Drachen­burg in König­swinter

Rhine Ro­man­ti­cism

Steeply up the rack rail­way goes. The Drachen­fels near König­swinter, Ger­many’s most fre­quently “conquered” moun­tain, af­fords a vast view of the Rhine. It’s well worth stop­ping half-way up at Schloss Drachen­burg, too.

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The Brühl Palaces Brühl

Baroque build­ings of ex­em­plary char­ac­ter

Vis­it­ors find the baroque splend­our of the Brühl palaces simply breath­tak­ing. Any­one who stands in the stair­way will un­der­stand why oth­er roy­al courts can only look at Brühl with envy. Today, both struc­tures and their gar­dens and parks are lis­ted as Un­esco World Her­it­age sites.

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Me­di­ev­al Mon­schau

Mon­schau in the Eifel cer­tainly is worth a trip. No mat­ter if it’s for your an­nu­al holi-day, a long week­end, or a day trip, no mat­ter if it’s sum­mer or winter: ro­mantics and lov­ers of nature will find what they are look­ing for here in any sea­son.

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