Shot from the shore with a view of Vischering Castle in Münsterland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Pil­grim­age by ped­als

Out on the Kloster-Garten route

Artfully laid out abbey gardens with useful herbs and magnificent flower beds, as well as historically relevant churches and monasteries adorn the path along the Kloster-Garten route (abbey garden route) through the Teutoburg Forest. Particularly heavenly sights include the UNESCO world heritage site of Corvey, the Abbey of Marienmünster, and the Coptic Orthodox Monastery of Höxter- Brenkhausen, originally founded by Cistercian nuns, passed into the hands of Benedictine nuns, and now run by Egyptian monks who will cordially welcome their visitors. Other sights can be found along the 190-kilometre-long route as well, including the organ museum in Borgentreich and the Weser Skywalk near Beverungen.