Castle and floodplain park Neuhaus, © Johannes Höhn

Neuhaus Castle

A mag­ni­fi­cent build­ing in the coun­tryside

Stümpelsche Mühle, © Johannes Höhn
Look around the next corner

Not sick of me yet?

Half-timbered street "Auf den Dielen", © Johannes Höhn
LWL Museum in the Imperial Palace, © Johannes Höhn
Graffiti on a wall in Paderborn, © Johannes Höhn

Four wings, one magnificent Weser Renaissance building: a warm welcome to my Neuhaus Castle. The moated castle is already an absolute eye-catcher from the outside - which is definitely also due to its reconstructed baroque garden. Take a look at these sleek hedges - simply artistic! But a visit inside is also worthwhile. I’ll give you my word. First of all, a junior high school resides here. Of course, I don't want to recommend that you attend a class. But a visit to the Residenzmuseum does. Here, you can find out everything about the history of my castle by looking at found objects and imagine how princely diners used to be served here in the representative rooms. In the former stables, you will also find the natural history and art museum. It’s always worth a visit. But that’s not all. You can certainly imagine that this wonderful setting is often used for events, right? Well, you’re correct! From May to October, "SchlossSommer" is the order of the day here and numerous open-air events such as concerts, markets and art exhibitions are waiting for you. And, as if the baroque garden wasn't pretty enough, the Auenpark (my recreation area), borders directly on the palace. Here, my green lungs, with a number of cycling and hiking trails, meanders around my beautiful meadow landscapes. And be sure to drop by my natural playground in Merschweg. I would almost say that this place not only makes children's eyes light up. I’ll just say: "Water march!"


Residenzstraße, 33104 Paderborn

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