Famous "Schwebebahn", view from bridge, © Johannes Höhn

Rails & Tales

Every stop a story.

Gelsenkirchen Halde Rheinelbe, © Ruhr Tourismus, Dennis Stratmann

Kick-off in NRW

This is where the heart of soccer beats

Station on trail "Waldfeenpfad", Brilon, © Tourismus NRW

Family trips

Off to new adventures!

Mural, Home Street Home Co-design by Hoker, Oldhaus & Tubuku, © Johannes Höhn

Around the Corner

Listen to the city whispers and take a look around the corner.

Sarah Morris wall mosaic Düsseldorf, © Nina Hüpen-Bestendonk

Have a look!

Per­son­al re­ports of travels to the state’s most beau­ti­ful places

Header Musikland GB

Listen, Baby!

A feast for the eyes and ears, a mat­ter of the heart

  • Perspektivwechsel, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Bäume, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Urban microadventurers, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Scribble Radtouren, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Unentdeckte Orte, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Maus, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Picknickkorb, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Cul­tur­al High­lights

Cul­tur­al North Rhine-West­phalia brings you to majest­ic parks, gar­dens and great art. Dis­cov­er our world-class mu­seums and our in­dus­tri­al her­it­age.

Works of art in the K21, © Nina Hüpen-Bestendonk

Top-Ex­hib­i­tions 2024

In North Rhine-West­phali­a's mu­seums lots of dif­fer­ent ex­hib­i­tions open their doors through­out the year.

Rheinauhafen Köln, © Tobias Kruse


North Rhine-West­pah­lia is a real para­dise for fans of ar­chi­tec­ture and pho­to­graph­ers alike. Well-known ar­chi­tects such as Frank Gehry, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Lud­wig Mies van der Rohe or Balthas­ar Neu­mann have all left their traces here, and en­riched the cit­ies in the fed­er­al state with their some­times ex­tra­vag­ant, some­times min­im­al­ist­ic, some­times lav­ish build­ings. Come and ad­mire the Baroque mas­ter build­ings, clas­sic­al spa ar­chi­tec­ture and fu­tur­ist­ic con­tem­por­ary struc­tures!

Beuys mural on a house wall near the Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach, © Johannes Höhn

Beuys & Bike

Joseph Beuys set the art world in mo­tion. On his 100th birth­day, a new cycle route is fol­low­ing in his foot­steps through the far west of Ger­many.

Altena castle, aerial view, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Palaces & Castles

Dis­cov­er the im­pos­ing palaces and castles in the Kul­tur­land, which tell ex­cit­ing stor­ies from a wide range of epochs.

Marta Herford in Herford, exterior view from above, © Tourismus NRW e.V.


Over 1.000 mu­seums in North Rhine-West­phalia await curi­ous vis­it­ors. Dis­cov­er the most pop­u­lar and im­press­ive es­tab­lish­ments with their unique, high-qual­ity ex­hib­i­tions.

The Augustusburg and Falkenlust palaces in Brühl are two of Germany’s most important examples of Baroque and Rococo architecture., © André Menne, Peter Wieler

UN­ESCO World Her­it­age

There are six UN­ESCO World Her­it­age Sites in North Rhine-West­phalia. The Lower Ger­man­ic Limes has also been al­lowed to bear the title since 2021.

Ruhrgebiet Duisburg Landschaftspark , © Tourismus NRW e.V.

In­dus­tri­al her­it­age of NRW

Back­drops for art, cul­ture and the cre­at­ive sec­tor The in­dus­tri­al her­it­age of North Rhine-West­phalia is huge: no oth­er fed­er­al state has such an abund­ance and vari­ety of in­dus­tri­al monu­ments. Themed routes lead across the coun­try to mines, gas­o­met­ers, cok­ing plants, blast fur­naces, pro­duc­tion fa­cil­it­ies and lifts.


Green, green­er, North Rhine-West­phalia: More than half of the land is made up of forests, rivers, mead­ows and fields. Come and dis­cov­er our nat­ur­al beauty that will truly sur­prise you!

The Struffeltroute in the Eifel, © Johannes Höhn

Nature Parks & Eifel Na­tion­al Park

Ex­per­i­ence the twelve nature parks in NRW and the only na­tion­al park: we present the most beau­ti­ful hik­ing and cyc­ling trails through nature, breath­tak­ing vant­age points and oth­er ex­cur­sion tips.

Die Flamingos am Zwillbrocker Venn teilen sich ihren Lebensraum mit Kolonien von Lachmöwen, © Biologische Station Zwillbrock e. V.

Nature ex­per­i­ence tours

Flower­ing heath land­scapes, dense forests and wild flood­plains Pack your bags and ex­plore the an­im­als and land­scapes of NRW on four nature tours. Dis­cov­er flamin­gos and high­land cattle in the Mün­ster­land re­gion, look for beavers on the Lower Rhine, be amazed at the sight of wis­ents by moon­light in the Teuto­bur­ger Wald forest, or fol­low the tracks of wild­cats in the Eifel re­gion. Ready to go?

Rhine Cycle Route NRW , © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ex­cur­sions on the Rhine

On foot, by bike, in a cable-car or by don­key-ride – choose your way to dis­cov­er the de­lights of the Rhine.

Externsteine aerial view close, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Won­ders of nature

The land­scape of NRW is burst­ing with col­our. Dot­ted among the ex­tens­ive swathes of green, vis­it­ors will spot splashes of vi­brant col­our in places like Zwill­brock­er Venn in Mün­ster­land, the home of Europe’s most north­erly pink flamingo breed­ing colony. A sea of yel­low awaits in the Eifel, mean­while, both in early spring when the wild daf­fodils start to ap­pear and a little later when the broom shrubs be­gin to flower. Mys­ter­i­ous caves in Sauer­land, le­gend-steeped rock form­a­tions in the Teuto­burg Forest, a wild herd of European bison in Sieger­land-Wit­tgen­stein and the dis­cov­ery site of Neander­th­al man provide fur­ther col­our­ful at­trac­tions.

City ad­ven­tures

Im­merse in our urb­an jungle and start your city ad­ven­ture in nar­row, wind­ing streets. We in­vite you to dis­cov­er and linger.

Mural, Home Street Home Co-design by Hoker, Oldhaus & Tubuku, © Johannes Höhn


Six cit­ies in North Rhine-West­phalia, up close and per­son­al. Get to know who they really are, what makes them spe­cial and which of their less­er-known corners they no longer want to hide. Some­times, they are dreamy and emo­tion­al. Oth­er times, en­er­get­ic and col­our­ful. Each one, totally dif­fer­ent. But these NRW cit­ies have one thing in com­mon: They in­vite you to take a ma­gic­al stroll.

Gasse im historischen Ortskern von Essen-Kettwig, © Tourismus NRW e.V., Hannah Förster

His­tor­ic town and loc­al centres

In the his­tor­ic loc­al and town centres in NRW, vis­it­ors can im­merse them­selves in the past and ex­per­i­ence the par­tic­u­lar charm of these places in cosy cafés or on ro­mantic squares.

City trips

The ma­jor cit­ies of North Rhine-West­phalia have much to dis­cov­er: trendy neigh­bour­hoods, art gal­ler­ies and great shop­ping op­por­tun­it­ies.

Digital Church Aachen interior view, © Johannes Höhn

Cowork­ing Spaces

New faces every morn­ing, new ideas every day, chats and scraps of con­ver­sa­tion. Brief con­tacts be­come friends, friends turn in­to busi­ness part­ners. This is what it’s like in a cowork­ing space.

Shopping Brunnenstraße Düsseldorf, © Johannes Höhn


North Rhine-West­phalia is a true shop­per’s para­dise, with everything from lux­ury shop­ping miles to busy ped­es­tri­an zones and mod­ern ar­cades, and from trendy dis­tricts with small boutiques to shop­ping centres with everything un­der one roof.

Cyc­ling Ex­cite­ment

Re­lax along rivers and lakes or start ped­dling trails up and down: North Rhine-West­phalia is per­fectly suited for your bi­cycles.

Schloss Berleburg in bad Berleburg in Siegen-Wittgenstein, © Sascha Huettenhain, Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein

Palaces and castles

No mat­ter if view­ing them only from a dis­tance, tak­ing the time for an ex­ten­ded stop to vis­it mu­seums and en­joy a lunch­time snack, or us­ing the castle park as the per­fect stop to re­lax for a little, these routes will take you to some of the most beau­ti­ful palaces and castles in your NRW.
Discover more cycling paths!

Vennbahn Reichensteiner Viadukt, © vennbahn.eu

On the old rail­way lines

Let your­self be in­spired by our cycle paths on old rail­way lines in North Rhine-West­phalia.
Discover more cycling paths!

Jump on MTB trail in the Ruhr area, © Paul Masukowitz

Cyc­ling routes with ath­let­ic chal­lenges

Hier gaat het altijd ho­ger, ver­der en sneller: deze fiet­s­routes in NRW vragen om spor­tieve top­prestaties, op de gravel­bike, de race­fi­ets of de moun­tain­bike.
Discover more cycling paths!

Kanzelbrücke über dem Möhnesee, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

River Cycle Paths

Routes full of high­lights, but mostly flat With the Ruhr, Rhine, Lippe, Lenne, or Sieg, rivers of all sizes shape the land­scape along their banks in NRW in dif­fer­ent ways. Those fol­low­ing them by bike from source to mouth will ex­per­i­ence nature, his­tory, and plenty of cyc­ling fun with little gradi­ent.
Discover more cycling paths!

Flamingos im Wasser , © @iamarux

In­sider tips for bike tours

Quite a few cycle paths in North Rhine-West­phalia provide sur­pris­ing ex­per­i­ences and new im­pres­sions with of­ten less well-known sights along the way.

In­sider Tips

Look­ing for your next short trip, for spe­cial ac­com­mod­a­tions or for the best photo spot in North Rhine-West­phalia? Then you've come to the right place.

Das Restaurant "Glück und Seligkeit" in Bielefeld ist in einer früheren Kirche untergebracht., © glückundseligkeit.de

Un­usu­al gast­ro­nomy

We’ve com­piled a list of the most un­usu­al gast­ro­nom­ic ex­per­i­ences in Your NRW - in spec­tac­u­lar loc­a­tions and with very spe­cial gast­ro­nom­ic con­cepts and culin­ary of­fers.

Baumhaus V-Hotel, Bonn, © V-Hotel

Un­usu­al ac­com­mod­a­tion

Wheth­er it’s a stay in a tree­house on the Sorpe­see lake, camp­ing in the middle of nature or sleep­ing in a trail­er dir­ectly on the Ruhr river that you’re look­ing for - our list con­tains 37 un­usu­al ac­com­mod­a­tion op­tions in Your NRW.
Unusual accommodation

Imke Feist Stadtfrüchtchen Bonn, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Stor­ies from NRW

Get to know the spe­cial stor­ies of ex­cep­tion­al people from North Rhine-West­phalia. Be­cause they are what makes #Dein­NRW so unique.
More Stories from NRW

Live Music Hall Köln , © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Mu­sic Lov­ers

With the Sound of #urb­a­nana, we pave the way to a pop his­tor­ic­al tour through the Ruhr Area, Düs­sel­dorf and Co­logne.

The Zollverein Colliery Shaft, © Johannes Höhn

Cus­toms & Tra­di­tions in NRW

In­dus­tri­al Cul­ture & His­tor­ic­al Crafts Shut-down mines and ma­chine halls, mills and grind­ing work­shops, steam-powered trains, and a sus­pen­sion rail­way that is unique in the world are some his­tor­ic­al des­tin­a­tions that in­vite to an up-close ex­per­i­ence to con­vey an au­then­t­ic im­pres­sion of the every­day work­ing lives of people in the 19th and 20th cen­tur­ies.

Fam­ily Time

From amuse­ment parks to dark caves, and from hands-on mu­seums to child-friendly walk­ing trails –we’ve got you covered for your next fam­ily get­away!

Zoom Erlebniswelt, Californian sea lion, © ZOOM Erlebniswelt

Zoos and zo­olo­gic­al parks

Wheth­er clas­sic zoos with an­im­als from around the world, wild­life parks with nat­ive spe­cies, or aqua parks that take vis­it­ors on jour­neys in­to the world of aquat­ic an­im­als: every single zoo in North Rhine-West­phalia houses some very spe­cial high­lights.

Planetarium Bochum, 50 Years of the Moon Landing 2019, © Stadt Bochum, Planetarium

Mu­seums for chil­dren

Even bad weath­er will not stop ex­plorers of any age group in NRW. When the swim­ming lake or ski­ing slope are not par­tic­u­larly in­vit­ing, the pyr­am­ids or the plan­et­ari­um beck­on all the harder.

The Zollverein Colliery Shaft, © Johannes Höhn

Col­lier­ies, mines, and iron­works

Min­ing has a long tra­di­tion in North Rhine-West­phalia. Fam­il­ies can ex­per­i­ence the sweaty un­der­ground work up close and see what used to be brought to light in an ex­cur­sion in­to col­lier­ies, mines, and iron­works.

The PanoramaRadweg niederbergbahn, © BWS, Patrick Gawandtka

Cyc­ling with chil­dren

Away from busy roads, fam­ily cyc­ling tours lead through a vari­ety of land­scapes. Not only is there plenty to see along the way, but ex­cit­ing ad­ven­tures and ad­di­tion­al op­por­tun­it­ies to let off steam are wait­ing for you as well.

Dülmen wild horses herd, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Wild an­im­als

Ex­per­i­en­cing wild an­im­als in their nat­ur­al hab­it­ats is one of the most beau­ti­ful things. NRW of­fers some places where you can meet wild horses, arc­tic wild geese, or im­press­ive bison if you are just a little lucky. Let us tell you where to find these wild an­im­als.

Eifel National Park, child looking through binoculars with ranger , © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Hik­ing with chil­dren

Wheth­er on nature ad­ven­ture trails, a guided tour with en­joy­able puzzles, or an­im­al com­pan­ions right by their side: NRW has great ad­ven­tures to of­fer to young hikers. The chil­dren’s hik­ing trails are no less en­joy­able for adults, how­ever, of­fer­ing great ex­per­i­ences for the en­tire fam­ily.

Roller coaster in the themed world "Rookburgh" in Phantasialand , © Phantasialand

Amuse­ment parks

NRW’s amuse­ment parks of­fer plenty of show, ac­tion, and thrill with roller coast­ers, wa­ter slides, or chairo­planes. The young­est fam­ily mem­bers can en­joy some less rap­id rides, too.

Hik­ing de­lights

On more than 50.000 kilo­metres of hik­ing trails you get to know North Rhine-West­phalia from its most pro­found side. Be sure to pack your back­pack, pro­vi­sions and hik­ing boots.

Hiking Urfttalsperre, © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.

In­sider tips - Hik­ing

Hik­ing can be so won­der­ful! Dis­cov­er new places away from the well-trod­den paths with our in­sider hik­ing tips. There are many hid­den gems that are still re­l­at­ively un­known among the many hik­ing routes in North Rhine-West­phalia. We’d like to in­tro­duce them to you!

Ein Sonnenaufgang mit Nebel über dem Rothaarsteig in Siegen-Wittgenstein, © © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Top Trails of Ger­many

Three of Ger­many’s 13 most beau­ti­ful and ex­cit­ing long-dis­tance hik­ing trails, the ‘Top Trails of Ger­many’, run through NRW. This ini­ti­at­ive brings to­geth­er Ger­many’s most beau­ti­ful and ex­cit­ing long-dis­tance trails. All four trails in North Rhine-West­phalia of­fer par­tic­u­larly nat­ur­al, at­tract­ive and var­ied hik­ing routes.

Hiking in the Bergisches Land, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Hik­ing trails in NRW

NRW is a para­dise for walk­ers Hik­ing of­fers a slower but no less re­ward­ing way to dis­cov­er the de­lights of North Rhine-West­phalia. A well-de­veloped net­work of trails criss-crosses the state from east to west and north to south, tak­ing in a wide vari­ety of nat­ur­al land­scapes and dis­tinct­ive re­gions.

Beer tra­di­tion

If Ger­many is known as a beer-drink­er’s heav­en, then North Rhine-West­phalia must be the Garden of Eden. No oth­er part of the coun­try has such a di­verse and ex­tens­ive cul­ture of beer and brew­ing. En­joy!

Friends toast each other with Altbier in Düsseldorf's Old Town., © Johannes Höhn, Tourismus NRW e.V.

En­joy­ing beer in NRW

In the brew­er­ies and brewpubs in NRW, a wide vari­ety of beers are drunk by very dif­fer­ent people in con­vivi­al gath­er­ings. Kölsch, Alt­bi­er and Pils are the clas­sics.

Beer garden Johann Schäfer Cologne, © Johannes Höhn

FAQ beer

Ques­tions and their an­swers How many vari­et­ies are there in NRW and which are the most pop­u­lar? Here you will find fre­quently asked ques­tions and an­swers.

Beer wreath with Kölsch, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Beer Route

Roadtrip through NRW The Beer route through North Rhine-West­phalia takes you through a vari­ety of loc­a­tion and taste-based beer des­tin­a­tions.

Beer Garden Three Little Birds Düsseldorf, © Johannes Höhn

The most beau­ti­ful beer gar­dens

Drink­ing beer on a rail­way plat­form, in the middle of a castle court­yard or at a street art gal­lery? Or per­haps a white wine spritzer in a vine­yard in the middle of the vine­yards? You can ex­per­i­ence beer garden ro­mance in your NRW in so many ways. Take a look at our se­lec­tion of the most beau­ti­ful and un­usu­al beer gar­dens in North Rhine-West­phalia.

Enjoying a Wegbier in Düsseldorf, © Jenna Davis

What is the Weg­bi­er all about?

Simply Defined: A Beer On-The-Go It’s time to break down that almighty term quite of­ten used around North Rhine-West­phalia - Weg­bi­er.

Keen to dis­cov­er NRW?

Then have a browse here!

The Tower, a walk-in sculpture by Erwin Heerich in the Museum Insel Hombroich, © Tomas Riehle/Arturimages
from € 95.00

A day at Mu­seum in­sel Hom­broi­ch & a night at the rock­et sta­tion

Stif­tung In­sel Hom­broi­ch

Read more
One of the pavilions for temporary exhibitions by international artists, © Süleyman Kayaalp / Cragg Foundation
from € 195.00

Com­bin­ing art with nature: Skulp­turen­park Wald­frieden in Wup­per­tal

Skulp­turen­park Wald­frieden

Read more
Müngstener Brücke, © Holger Piwowar
from € 319.00

“Der Ber­gis­che” hik­ing between Solin­gen Grä­frath and Al­ten­berg

Die Ber­gis­chen Drei - Ber­gisches Land Tour­is­mus Mar­ket­ing e.V.

Read more
Moyland Castle has the world's largest collection of Joseph Beuys’ works, © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.
from € 819.00

Foot­steps of Joseph Beuys on the Lower Rhine

Nieder­rhein Tour­is­mus GmbH

Read more