Houseboats on the Diersfordter Waldsee on the Lower Rhine, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Sur­pris­ing spots & stor­ies

Our in­sider tips for hol­i­days in North Rhine-West­phalia

In­sider tips ...

Are you al­ways look­ing for new, ex­cit­ing things to do? Then this is the right place for you! Take in­spir­a­tion from our in­sider tips for un­usu­al ac­com­mod­a­tion, spe­cial photo spots and un­usu­al gast­ro­nomy. North Rhine-West­phalia is full of op­por­tun­it­ies - and they are wait­ing to be dis­covered!

Baumhaus V-Hotel, Bonn, © V-Hotel

Un­usu­al ac­com­mod­a­tion

Wheth­er it’s a stay in a tree­house on the Sorpe­see lake, camp­ing in the middle of nature or sleep­ing in a trail­er dir­ectly on the Ruhr river that you’re look­ing for - our list con­tains 37 un­usu­al ac­com­mod­a­tion op­tions in Your NRW.
Unusual accommodation

Das Restaurant "Glück und Seligkeit" in Bielefeld ist in einer früheren Kirche untergebracht., © glü

Un­usu­al gast­ro­nomy

We’ve com­piled a list of the most un­usu­al gast­ro­nom­ic ex­per­i­ences in Your NRW - in spec­tac­u­lar loc­a­tions and with very spe­cial gast­ro­nom­ic con­cepts and culin­ary of­fers.

Imke Feist Stadtfrüchtchen Bonn, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Stor­ies from NRW

Get to know the spe­cial stor­ies of ex­cep­tion­al people from North Rhine-West­phalia. Be­cause they are what makes #Dein­NRW so unique.
More Stories from NRW

The Zollverein Colliery Shaft, © Johannes Höhn

Cus­toms & Tra­di­tions in NRW

In­dus­tri­al Cul­ture & His­tor­ic­al Crafts Shut-down mines and ma­chine halls, mills and grind­ing work­shops, steam-powered trains, and a sus­pen­sion rail­way that is unique in the world are some his­tor­ic­al des­tin­a­tions that in­vite to an up-close ex­per­i­ence to con­vey an au­then­t­ic im­pres­sion of the every­day work­ing lives of people in the 19th and 20th cen­tur­ies.

Live Music Hall Köln , © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Mu­sic Lov­ers

With the Sound of #urb­a­nana, we pave the way to a pop his­tor­ic­al tour through the Ruhr Area, Düs­sel­dorf and Co­logne.

Digital Church Aachen interior view, © Johannes Höhn

Cowork­ing Spaces

New faces every morn­ing, new ideas every day, chats and scraps of con­ver­sa­tion. Brief con­tacts be­come friends, friends turn in­to busi­ness part­ners. This is what it’s like in a cowork­ing space.