Tolkien Days in Geldern
Middle Earth on the Lower Rhine
The Tolkien Days in Geldern are Europe’s biggest fan meeting around J. R. R. Tol-kien’s works, like “The Lord of the Rings” or “The Hobbit”. Visitors can learn more about the famous writer’s influence and live-action role-playing.
Join the Fellowship of the Ring on their adventures, eat lembas bread at the campfire with Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee, or take to the field with the Riders of Rohan at the Tolkien Days in Geldern, when more than 8000 fantasy fans gather to bring Middle-Earth to life in the Lower Rhine region every year at Europe’s biggest J. R. R. Tolkien fan meeting. The village of Pont offers the ideal setting to immerse oneself in the popular fantasy universe on the weekend after Pentecost.
Groups will set up their camps on the large green spaces of the Pont sports and leisure centre. They play dwarves, elves, hobbits, Uruk-hai or Nazgul, letting visitors enjoy a visit to a book world brought to life. Guests feel as if they have entered the Shire when they encounter familiar characters, including Gandalf and Gollum, from the novels among the trees, fields, and market stalls.
You can learn more about live-action roleplaying, cosplay, or camp life virtually everywhere here. Craftspeople will demonstrate how to make detailed reproductions of the original costumes in workshops. Master brewers teach the high art of brewing beer according to dwarven tradition. Authors inspire mental journeys in their readings while bands invite to dance to medieval sounds. Tolkien’s influence is reflected in lectures that always connect to current issues.
Highlights include an outdoor cinema, falconry shows, and horse-riding lessons. The event has been organised by volunteers from the Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft (DTG) since 2009.
Date: 24 to 26 May 2024