Drachenburg Castle in Königswinter, aerial view, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Di­verse ex­per­i­ence des­tin­a­tions

Pic­tur­esque loc­a­tions in­vite vis­it­ors for cul­tur­al en­coun­ters

Today, palaces and castles are centres of art and cultural encounters or pilgrimage sites for hikers and cyclists. For example, visitors can attend concerts, murder mystery dinners or culinary walks at the various experience destinations. Large open spaces are designed as leisure parks and some of the buildings have been converted into imaginative galleries and even a youth hostel. The experience elevator goes all the way up to a hilltop castle. The double cableway brings guests from one part of the city to another. Festivals, craft markets and jousting tournaments are the jewels in the colourful calendar of events, promising exciting entertainment all year round.

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Schloss Moyland ist ein Wasserschloss bei Bedburg-Hau, © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Moy­land Castle in Bed­burg-Hau

Since its res­tor­a­tion in the 1990s the neo-goth­ic wa­ter castle is a sig­ni­fic­ant mu­seum for mod­ern and con­tem­por­ary art. Be­sides oth­ers the found­a­tion mu­seum Schloss Moy­land pos­sesses the world’s largest col­lec­tion of art works from Joseph Beuys and is a re­search centre of in­ter­na­tion­al de­gree. Moreover his­tor­ic­al gar­dens stretch around the castle at the Lower Rhine.

Schloss Drachenburg liegt idyllisch am Drachenfels. Die Rheinromantik ist hier spürbar, © Johannes Höhn

Schloss Drachen­burg in König­swinter

Steeply up the rack rail­way goes. The Drachen­fels near König­swinter, Ger­many’s most fre­quently “conquered” moun­tain, af­fords a vast view of the Rhine. It’s well worth stop­ping half-way up at Schloss Drachen­burg, too.

Die Barockbrücke, heute auch Hochzeitsbrücke genannt, ist im Park von Schloss Dyck ein beliebtes Fotomotiv., © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Schloss Dyck Jüchen

The park, with its old trees, still looks just as it did in the 19th cen­tury. At the same time, as an in­ter­na­tion­al centre for garden art, Schloss Dyck’s latest de­vel­op­ments have a lot to of­fer.

Die Sparrenburg thront auf dem 180 Meter hohen Sparrenberg, © Bielefeld Marketing GmbH

Spar­ren­burg Biele­feld

Ex­per­i­ence me­di­ev­al ad­ven­ture and en­joy the mag­ni­fi­cent views: Spar­ren­burg Castle sits en­throned high above Biele­feld and of­fers a won­der­ful view of the Teuto­burg Forest. Parts of the build­ing, such as the stone walls and dun­geons, tell stor­ies from an­oth­er time. Vis­it­ors can learn more about the lives of its former res­id­ents on guided tours.