Hiking in the Bergisches Land, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Hik­ing trails in NRW

NRW is a para­dise for walk­ers

Hik­ing of­fers a slower but no less re­ward­ing way to dis­cov­er the de­lights of North Rhine-West­phalia. A well-de­veloped net­work of trails criss-crosses the state from east to west and north to south, tak­ing in a wide vari­ety of nat­ur­al land­scapes and dis­tinct­ive re­gions.

Seven trails in North Rhine-Westphalia, including the Rothaarsteig (Rothaar Trail), the Eifelsteig (Eifel Trail), the Rheinsteig Trail and the Via Adriana Trail, have been certified as “premium hiking trails”. Along the way, accommodation providers with a seal of quality from the German Hiking Association offer walkers a welcome chance to rest and refuel – and take care of muddy boots. And for those interested in following the footsteps of pilgrims, North Rhine-Westphalia even takes in sections of the Way of St. James – a truly unmissable experience.

Up­land Trail

Hik­ing to Europe’s highest up­land heath

Strength and stam­ina are re­quired to hike the Up­land­steig (Up­land Trail) in Sauer­land, but the ef­fort is re­war­ded with im­press­ive views and tasty ber­ries in sea­son.

Level of difficulty: hard

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Egge Trail

A hik­ing path for nature lov­ers

A unique wealth of abund­ant scen­ic views for hikers cross­ing the ridge of the Egge Hills from the Teuto­burg Forest in­to Sauer­land.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Ber­gisch Trail

Hik­ing from the Ruhr Area to the Drachen­fels on the Rhine

The Ber­gis­cher Weg (Ber­gisch Trail) is a chal­len­ging hike through Ber­gisches Land, but vari­ety is the hiker’s re­ward.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Via­duct Hik­ing Trail

The per­fect route for rail­way en­thu­si­asts

A route where the rail­way is the star at­trac­tion: the Viadukt-Wander­weg (Via­duct Hik­ing Trail) re­wards hikers with spec­tac­u­lar views of the im­press­ive stone struc­ture.

Level of difficulty: easy

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Eifel Trail

Hikers get close to nature in the Eifel Na­tion­al Park

With trails, re­ser­voirs, val­leys and plat­eaus giv­en over to nature, the Eifel­steig (Eifel Trail) is a para­dise for hikers.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Her­mann Heights Trail

Hik­ing in the land of the Cherusci chief­tain

Battles have now been re­placed with peace­ful re­lax­a­tion on the Her­mannshöhen (Her­mann Heights) trail. The ridge of the Teuto­burg Forest of­fers amaz­ing views.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Her­mann Trail

One of Ger­many’s most beau­ti­ful high-alti­tude trails

With a series of won­der­ful views, the Her­mannsweg (Her­mann Trail) is rightly re­garded as one of Ger­many’s most beau­ti­ful high-alti­tude trails.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Way of St. James

On his­tor­ic pil­grim­age routes through Mün­ster­land

Even hun­dreds of years ago pil­grims were cross­ing what is now NRW on the way to San­ti­ago de Com­postela. One of these his­tor­ic­al routes passes through Mün­ster­land.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Düd­ing­hausen Geo­lo­gic­al Trail

A jour­ney through the his­tory of the Earth on foot in Sauer­land

Sauer­land was a trop­ic­al swim­ming para­dise mil­lions of years ago? Find traces of this along the themed route!

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Böde­feld­er Hol­len­pfad

A bare­foot path and tread­ing pool en­sure vis­it­ors stay cool

The di­verse Böde­feld­er Hol­len­pfad trail takes its name from the myth­ic­al creatures said to have once lived on the door­step of the pic­tur­esque Sauer­land vil­lage of Böde­feld.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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