Eifelblick Schöne Aussicht in Nideggen-Schmidt, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Eifel & Aachen

Wild Nature and the Im­per­i­al City

In Aachen and Eifel, every visitor can find the right offering: There is wild nature and timber-framed little towns, as well as wellness temples, UNESCO world heritage sites and an unusual shopping paradise. Eifel is, above all, about wild nature and fantastic hiking trails. Historical little timber-framed towns full of atmosphere are also to be found in the region – as well as the quirky city of Aachen, where history and the present meet.

Hiking Urfttalsperre, © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ex­per­i­ence nature

On foot or by bi­cycle

Nature can be experienced at its most unspoilt at Eifel National Park, the only National Park in North Rhine-Westphalia. Many rare and endangered animal and plant species have been re-introduced there, including wildcats, beavers and wild daffodils. One of the Top 15 Trails in Germany runs through the National Park – the Eifelsteig. Anyone who follows this trail can go from Aachen to Trier along mainly natural trails.

Eifel is traditionally a hiking region, but cyclists can get their money’s worth here too. Cyclists should be in good physical condition for some of the routes, because after all, Eifel is a low mountain region. Many hiking and cycle trails pass two of the most beautiful little towns in Eifel, Monschau and Bad Münstereifel.

Aachen Cathedral by night, © www.medien.aachen.de, Andreas Herrmann

Cul­ture and well­ness

In the Im­per­i­al City of Aachen

Anyone who prefers it really urban but still wants some comfort is also in the right place in this region: Aachen, the City of Charlemagne, is the ideal destination for a weekend trip. With its 260,000 inhabitants, the city is not exactly small and yet is has a certain tranquillity to it. The historic city centre is reserved for pedestrians and is still as winding as it was hundreds of years ago; most of the sights can be reached on foot. The city is dominated by the Cathedral, which was the first German building to be placed on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites along with the Cathedral Treasury in 1978. Aachen is also famous for its thermal springs, which are reputed to have convinced Charlemagne to settle here.

The highlights of the Aachen events calendar include the annual World Equestrian Festival, the CHIO, and of course the Christmas market, which is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful Christmas markets in Germany. And of course the Aachen speciality, “Printe” gingerbread, is available here too. Anyone who can’t wait until Christmas can also buy the delicious biscuits all year round at the city’s Printen bakeries.

  • Monschau, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Eifel Sunset, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Eifel Einruhr, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Carolus Thermen Bad Aachen, © Carolus Thermen Bad Aachen
    Horse and symphony at the Chio Aachen, © Chio Aachen
    Aachen Cathedral in Winter, © aachen tourist service e.v., A. Steindl

More in­form­a­tion

Discover it now!

Hik­ing, cyc­ling & well­ness

Dis­cov­er­ies in the re­gion Eifel & Aachen

Roman Canal Hiking Trail - aqueduct Mechernich, © Natalie Glatter, Wandermagazin

Ro­man Canal Hik­ing Trail

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Kalvarienberg Alendorf, © Johannes Höhn

Eifel Trail

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Hikers at the Wilderness Trail, © G.Priske

Wil­der­ness Trail

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Eifel Peak Route Cycle Path - old building, © Dominik Ketz

Eifel Peak Route Cycle Path

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Die Vennbahn, ein Bahntrassenradweg, führt auch übers Reichensteiner Viadukt, © vennbahn.eu

Ven­n­bahn Cycle Route

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Auf dem Erft-Radweg ist das Wasser ein stetiger Begleiter, © Rhein-Erft Tourismus e.V.

The Erft cycle route

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Cul­ture, shop­ping & events

Dis­cov­er­ies in the re­gion Eifel & Aachen

The Aachen Cathedral, © aachen tourist service e.v.

Aachen Cathed­ral

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Archäologische Vitrine im Elisengarten Aachen, © Peter Hinschläger / Aachen

Char­le­magne and the Route Char­le­magne in Aachen

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Main stadium at the Chio Aachen, © Chio Aachen, Studio Strauch

CHIO Aachen

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