Winter sports in Winterberg, © Ferienwelt Winterberg

Act­ive Win­ter­berg

The place to be for winter sports north of the Alps

Nestled in endless forests and green meadows, surrounded by the highest mountains in West Germany, Winterberg stands for movement and adventure. Slip on your hiking boots and discover breathtaking panoramas. Almost 500 kilometres of marked hiking trails are waiting for you. Discover high heath landscape, historic buildings and the charming Winterberg old town.


Winterberg in the autumn fog, © Ferienwelt Winterberg

Pic­tur­esque scenery

A charm­ing land­scape in­vites guests to be act­ive

Walking across Winterberg’s panorama experience bridge presents the spa town known for its healing climate in all its glory as the visitor’s gaze can sweep far across the mountains, treetops, and fields of this holiday region in the Hochsauerland. Guests can be spotted moving across the climbing elements installed above, below, and around the bridge here and there. Ski jumpers and bobsleigh teams train for their next competitions on the St. Georg ski jump or in the ice channel of the “Veltins-EisArena”, where visitors can enjoy a taxi bob run as well. Hikers can find paths through dense forests nearby.

The Winterberger Hochtour, which starts and ends at the Kahler Asten, is only one of several available routes. The 82-kilometre-long certified circular walk visits each of the 14 town districts, including the beautiful town centre with its individual stores, and even takes walkers past the spring of the Lenne river. This path illustrates the diversity of the charming nature in high heath landscapes in the same manner that the “Goldene Pfad” (Golden Path), a nature therapy path in the Niedersfeld district, does. Practiced hikers looking for longer tours can choose individual stages of the Rothaarsteig or the Sauerland Höhenflug that leads past Winterberg with its 12,500 residents.

The Veltins Eisarena on the Cap Adventure Mountain in Winterberg, © Bobbahn Winterberg

The Kappe ad­ven­ture moun­tain

A climb­ing forest, bike park, and rope slide

The small town in the Rothaargebirge mountains is known as an international sports and leisure metropolis in any season. Winterberg belongs to the Wintersport-Arena Sauerland, the largest skiing area north of the Alps.

While the slopes north of the federal road that splits the centre are mostly used for athletic excursions, as well as for fast downhill runs and tobogganing in winter, the Kappe adventure mountain in the south puts its focus on excitement. The climbing forest lets visitors balance back and forth high up between the treetops. The bike park gives downhill cyclists an opportunity to dash down the tracks. While a summer toboggan run, a Segway course, and a bungee trampoline ensure a pleasurable time for the guests, the mountain’s highlight likely is the Fly-Line: a rope slide spanning more than one kilometre above the bike park area.

One of the longest mega zip lines in Europe takes riders downhill more quickly from the Altalstenberg. The “Astenkick” lets fun sport enthusiasts slide downhill at speeds reaching up to 70 kilometres per hour on a stretch of about 1000 metres.

Hillebachsee, © Jule Wagner

Bey­ond the ad­ven­ture sta­tions

Well­ness fa­cil­it­ies and mu­seums

There is much for travellers to experience around the tourist centre of Winterberg as well: Salt caves and spa houses balance out the excitement of the adventure stations. After all, a stroll around the Hillebachsee lake in the Niedersfeld quarter is more pleasurable once recovered. The lake offers wakeboarding and even has a bay where guests can swim in the summer months.

If you prefer to learn more about the region instead, you can choose from a number of opportunities. An excursion to the spring of the Ruhr river will reveal the origin of one of the most important tributaries of the Rhine, which has left its mark on the entire region’s identity. The Westdeutsches Wintersportmuseum (West German winter sports museum), on the other hand, teaches about the history of winter sports in the region and presents the development of the skiing sport. The local history museum “Borgs Scheune”, or the “Kump” in the neighbouring town of Hallenberg, treat visitors to a more detailed excursion into the holiday area’s past.

  • Winterberg ski lift, Sauerland, © Johannes Höhn
    Bird's eye view of the Kahle Asten in winter, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Niedersfeld Hochheide Sauerland, © Ferienwelt Winterberg
  • Panorama view of the Kahler Asten, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Break in Neuastenberg in the Sauerland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    View of the small town of Winterberg in summer, © Stefan Schmitt,

Hik­ing, cyc­ling & well­ness

Dis­cov­er­ies in the re­gion Sauer­land

family on tour at the Sauerland Cycle Circuit, © Sauerland-Tourismus e.V Foto Stromberg

Sauer­land Cycle Cir­cuit

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fog at the Ehmsen trail, © Julian Stratenschulte

Ehm­sen Trail

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Die Usseler Heide ist Teil des Rundwegs, © Sauerland Höhenflug

Düd­ing­hausen Geo­lo­gic­al Trail

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Olsberg Kneipp Hiking Trail, © Dominik Ketz

Ols­berg Kneipp Hik­ing Trail

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Sauerland High-Flyer - the view at the range of mountains, © Sauerland Höhenflug

Sauer­land High-Fly­er

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Kleine Brücken führen den Bödefelder Hollenpfad über die Bäche, © Tourismus Schmallenberger Sauerland / K.-P. Kappest

Böde­feld­er Hol­len­pfad

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Winterberg High-Altitude Trail, © Ferienwelt Winterberg

Win­ter­berg High-Alti­tude Trail

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panoramic views at the Bestwig Panorama Trail, © Reinhard Schmidtmann

Bestwig Pan­or­ama Trail

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the landscape on Brilon Ridge Trail, © Brilon Wirtschaft und Tourismus GmbH

Bri­lon Ridge Trail

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