Gate am Flughafen Köln-Bonn, © Oliver Franke, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ar­riv­ing by plane

over 400 dir­ect in­ter­na­tion­al flights

North Rhine-West­phalia has four smal­ler air­ports be­sides the big ones in Düs­sel­dorf and Co­logne, that con­nect the re­gion with all the main cit­ies in Ger­many as well as ma­jor in­ter­na­tion­al cit­ies such as Lon­don.

North Rhine-Westphalia’s six airports handle over 400 direct international flights between them. Two international airport hubs – Düsseldorf Airport and Cologne Bonn Airport – plus four other airports serving European destinations (Dortmund, Münster Osnabrück, Paderborn Lippstadt and Weeze) connect the region with all the main cities in Germany as well as major international cities such as London.

Co­logne Bonn Air­port


Co­logne Bonn Air­port links the Rhine re­gion with over 100 des­tin­a­tions world­wide. De­sign­er fash­ion stores, a 24/7 su­per­mar­ket, cafés, res­taur­ants, ho­tels, con­fer­ence rooms and a pi­ano bar are among the reas­ons to linger a little while longer at the air­port.

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Weeze Air­port

Nieder­rhein Air­port

Loc­ated around 70 kilo­met­ers north of Düs­sel­dorf Weeze Air­port is the third largest Air­port in NRW.

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Cent­rally loc­ated in the Heart of Europe

North Rhine-West­phalia is loc­ated at the heart of Europe. The re­gion’s great con­nec­tion by flights to the six in­ter­na­tion­al air­ports is re­flec­ted in our in­ter­act­ive map. The two but­tons at the up­per left dir­ectly show flight and train con­nec­tions to im­port­ant European met­ro­pol­ises. Just click the re­spect­ive city. No mat­ter where you’re go­ing – NRW is al­ways along the way!