Slag heap in Gelsenkirchen with the stairway to heaven
, © Pascal Tönnissen

Around Gelsen­kirchen

Our buck­et list for the time between matches

Are you going to visit Gelsenkirchen during Euro 2024 and looking for some excursion ideas and suggestions for short trips in the area? Click through our lists for the region with ideas to spend a few hours, an entire day, or an overnight trip there. Visit the surrounding area, with sights such as the mining museum in Bochum, or venture a little further, to the nature park Hohe Mark or on a city trip to Münster. The stadium certainly is not the only place that offers entertaining, varied, and at times downright adventurous options.

Buck­et list

Just a few hours to spare …

Aerial view of Halde Hoheward in Herten, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Buck­et list

An entire day ...

Bochum, Brücke Eisenbahnmuseum, © RuhrtalRadweg, Stratmann

Buck­et list

With an overnight stay …

View of the old town of Münster, © Johannes Höhn

This one great love …

Football on Phoenix West, Dortmund, © Ruhr Tourismus, Dennis Stratmann

Foot­ball in NRW

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Halde Rheinelbe Gelsenkirchen Süd, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Your fan­guide for Gelsen­kirchen

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Schalke pub in Gelsenkirchen, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

22 foot­ball ven­ues

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Fol­low your ears!

Plan­ning a trip to Gelsen­kirchen? This pod­cast epis­ode is for you!