The Zollverein Colliery Shaft, © Johannes Höhn

Cus­toms & Tra­di­tions in NRW

In­dus­tri­al Cul­ture & His­tor­ic­al Crafts

A jour­ney through time

Shut-down mines and ma­chine halls, mills and grind­ing work­shops, steam-powered trains, and a sus­pen­sion rail­way that is unique in the world are some his­tor­ic­al des­tin­a­tions that in­vite to an up-close ex­per­i­ence.

Tuchfabrik Müller in Euskirchen, © Johannes Höhn

Hands-on Mu­seums

North Rhine-West­phalia’s event­ful (in­dus­tri­al) his­tory can be ex­per­i­enced at best in the very places where it was writ­ten, which are still char­ac­ter­ised by it today. Let the jour­ney through time com­mence.

Balkhauser Kotten , © Tourismus NRW e.V.

His­tor­ic­al mills and grind­ing shops

Some are powered by wa­ter, oth­ers by wind: The Ber­gisches Städtedreieck and the Lower Rhine re­gion sport a num­ber of his­tor­ic­al mills and grind­ing shops worth tak­ing a trip.

Werther Brücke in Wuppertal, © WMG

Rolling, run­ning, and swim­ming tech­no­logy

His­tor­ic­al steam lo­co­mot­ives, sus­pen­sion rail­way, and in­land ship­ping The term of “time travel” may be taken quite lit­er­ally here, as many ori­gin­al his­tor­ic­al rail­roads are still in op­er­a­tion in NRW, in­vit­ing vis­it­ors on ex­cur­sion trips. Please get on and shut the doors.

The Zollverein Colliery Shaft, © Johannes Höhn

Col­lier­ies, mines, and iron­works

Ex­cur­sions in­to the work­ing world un­der­ground Min­ing has a long tra­di­tion in North Rhine-West­phalia. Vis­it­ors can ex­per­i­ence the sweaty un­der­ground work up close and see what used to be brought to light in an ex­cur­sion in­to col­lier­ies, mines, and iron­works.

Carnival in Düsseldorf , © Düsseldorf Tourismus GmbH/ Jörg Letz


Here you will find a se­lec­tion of the high­lights tak­ing place across North Rhine-West­phalia dur­ing the Car­ni­val sea­son.