Marta Herford in Herford, exterior view from above, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Top-Ex­hib­i­tions 2024

Pi­cas­so, Prus­sia and Pom­peji

Museums in North Rhine-Westphalia offer a wide range of fascinating exhibitions with different emphases. Those interested in arts and culture can look forward to artwork from renowned painters, sculptors, photographers and musicians. Institutions will display exhibits of prominent musicians. Historic events and social phenomenons also play a role. In the following you can find a chronological overview of top-exhibitions that will take place this year. They are divided into the sections "Art, Design, Architecture" and "Music, Science, Society".

Museum Folkwang Essen, Neubau Foyer, © Giorgio Pastore

Art, Design, Ar­chi­tec­ture

Paris 1874: Revolution in art, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum

Initially rejected, later celebrated around the world: the impressionists brought about a revolution in art with their first dedicated exhibition back in 1874, when they broke with the then-common salon exhibition of the Paris Academy. Packing the idea of freedom, artists such as Degas, Morisot, Monet, Renoir, and Sisley exhibited their works under the name of “Société Anonyme des Artistes Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs etc.” from 15 April to 15 May. Without committing themselves to any one political purpose, they changed everything. Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud in Cologne is now reproducing this transformation of French painting in a dedicated exhibition, presenting the styles, types, and motifs associated with it.

Dates: 15 March 2024 to 28 July 2024

Leonardo da Vinci – uomo universale, Visiodrom in the Gaskessel Wuppertal

Incredible machinery, phantastic studies, memorable drawings and paintings: that is the oeuvre of Leonardo da Vinci, also once called the “uomo universale” (universal human) in Italy. The Visiodrom in the Gaskessel Wuppertal has dedicated a special exhibition to this genius, presenting an immersive multi-media experience for the entire family, where 29 high-performance laser projectors are casting da Vinci’s most important inventions and works onto a canvas in a 360-degree show. Of course, they include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Models and drafts illustrate the Master’s working process outside of the presentation room. Guests are invited on digital tours and may even discover a few machines in action in augmented reality on the Skywalk of the Wuppertal Gaskessel.

Dates: From 23 August 2023 to the summer of 2024

Hilma af Klint and Wassily Kandinsky, in the K20 of the Kunstsammlung NRW in Düsseldorf

The Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen is bringing together two leading figures of Western abstraction with its exhibition “Hilma af Klint und Wassily Kandinsky”: Guests can view paintings, watercolours, drawings, and notes produced by the two great artists, compare them, and draw conclusions of their own at the K20 on Grabbeplatz: Where are their styles similar? Where did the Russian and Swedish painters even influence each other?

Kandinsky was a co-founder of the “Blauer Reiter” artist group in Munich and a teacher at the Bauhaus in Weimar and Dessau. Af Klint is ascribed a visionary note in her art by critics. Like Kandinsky, she tried to establish a lot more than just a new style of painting with abstraction. They both were dreaming of a future for which art was to serve as a signpost.

Dates: 16 March 2023 to 11 August 2024

Between pixels and pigments. Hybrid painting in the post-digital era, Kunsthalle Bielefeld a. Museum Marta Herford                  

Kunsthalle Bielefeld and Museum Marta Herford are joining forces to tackle the question of how the production of art has changed in the last two decades in their exhibition “Zwischen Pixel und Pigment”. The two museums are aiming to create new ways of accessing (post) digital transformation in contemporary painting with their show.

For this, they present 40 international artistic positions along four subject complexes at the same time. Digital production techniques, use of codes, and experimentation with big data are decisive for the works shown, which have been created with techniques such as 3D printing, augmented reality, motion capture, or morphing. Opulent room installations by artist duo Ashley Hans Scheirl and Jakob Lena Knebl, for example, show how analogue and digital assembly may interlock and how fluent transfers between painting, sculpture, film, and fashion happen.

Historical works supplement the post-digital exhibition inventory. Guests can learn based on exhibits by Kasimir Malewitsch, Vera Molnár, and Andy Warhol why these artists can be considered predecessors of hybrid painting.

Dates: 6 July 2024 to 27 October 2024

Dalí: The endless riddle, Phoenix des Lumières in Dortmund

The Phoenix des Lumières celebrated great success as a centre for digital art with its immersive exhibitions on Klimt and Hundertwasser back in 2023. Now, the Dortmund location is planning to continue in this vein with its new exhibition “Dalí: Das endlose Rätsel” in order to once again enchant its audience with pieces of art projected onto the gigantic walls of the industrial hall.

Guests can set out on a trip into the realm between fairy tales, hallucinations, and dreams upon entering the former gas-blower hall of the Phoenix West blast furnace facility. They will find themselves looking at melting clocks, may be amazed by abstract animals with enormous legs and distorted bodies, and can immerse themselves in geometrical plays of shape. This round trip centres on the metaphysical landscapes and phantastic worlds once thought up by Dalí. Some works hail from the style of Cubism, others from Surrealism, and yet others from Futurism or even Realism.

The exhibition is touching on 60 years of the Spanish artist’s work, accompanied by an atmospheric musical medley by British rock band Pink Floyd.

Dates: 26 January 2024 to the winter of 2024

Alberto Giacometti, Max Ernst Museum Brühl of the LVR

The Max Ernst Museum Brühl of the LVR is exploring the reasons why this Swiss sculptor, painter, and draughtsman numbers among the most important artists of the 20th century in its exhibition “Alberto Giacometti”. The genius of modernism created highly independent sculptures, drawings, and paintings influenced by surrealism as well as by cubism.

His stylistic devices include elongated bodies, distorted shapes, and transposed perspectives. Giacometti’s works are characterised by surrealism as he explores the chasms of the unconscious with great inventiveness, resulting in pieces that impressively reflect the artist’s mental state at the same time.

The comprehensive exhibition deals, among other things, with Giacometti’s meeting with Max Ernst in Paris, where the two became acquainted in 1928 as they were working in adjacent studios. The Max Ernst Museum supplements creative works from his surrealistic phase with some select examples of the delicate bronze figures he developed after 1945, as well as paintings, drawings, and graphics.

Dates: 1 September 2024 to 15 January 2025

What’s so funny about that? The comical art of Walter Moers, Ludwiggalerie Schloss Oberhausen

Ludwiggalerie Schloss Oberhausen is opening up the imaginative cosmos of figure creator, author, and illustrator Walter Moers with its exhibition “Was gibt’s denn da zu lachen?” (What’s so funny about that?), presenting original drawings, puppets, and animations under consideration of the creator’s special kind of humour. Guests will be able to meet iconic characters such as Capt’n Bluebear spinning his pirate yarn, or the always-provocative Little Asshole.

The fictional continent of Zamonia, where Moers has set seven novels by now, holds a special place in the exhibition. Its residents can also be encountered as one walks through Schloss Oberhausen, including, among other people, Zamonia’s greatest writer, Optimus Yarnspinner, Wolpertinger Rumo or the Chromobear siblings Ensel and Krete.

The many literary references Moers hides in his books are broken down with examples. Guests of all age groups will be able to approach the grotesque style and inventive language artist Moers uses.

Dates: 22 September 2024 to 19 January 2025

Gerhard Richter. Hidden treasures, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf

Gerhard Richter is deemed one of the most important living artists worldwide today. The Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf is now exhibiting about 100 treasures created by him, originating from 40 Rhenian private collections and never presented to the public before.

The great Richter exhibition is putting the artist’s oeuvre into a new context that appears to be full of contradictions and discontinuities. It points at the Rhineland as an ideal environment where he was able to freely pursue his work since he left Dresden back in 1961. This is where the painter, sculptor, and photographer met like-minded people such as Sigmar Polke and Konrad Lueg, shining examples and provocative characters like Joseph Beuys. The curious and avid collectors in this region have always been interested in his work, making Richter number among the artists in the highest demand on the market today.

Guests will learn about Gerhard Richter’s research-like examination of reality that can be considered a connecting element across his art. They will discover photo-realistic presentations of nature, blurred paintings based on photographs, abstract works, glass and mirror objects alike.

Dates: 5 September 2024 to 2 February 2025

Otto Mueller, LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur in Münster

Otto Mueller is deemed one of the most important expressionists of his time. The artist from Silesia would be celebrating his 150th birthday on 15 October 2024. The LWL-Museum für Kunst und Kultur is using this as a reason to dedicate an overview exhibition to this member of the “Blauer Reiter” group of artists. It is to afford guests a critical overall view of his oeuvre.

The exhibition comprises, among other things, paintings, pastels, drawings, and lithographs. Müller’s works will let art enthusiasts experience his search for the allegedly “original”, the harmony of man and nature. Anyone interested will be able to pursue questions of our times based on more recent research as well. For example: Is it acceptable to use titles chosen by the artist that would discriminate against a minority?

Dates: 20 September 2024 to 2 February 2025

Museum of museums. Time travels through the art of exhibition and viewing, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in Cologne

The Wallraf-Richartz-Museum is hosting its special exhibition “Museum der Museen” to directly illustrate how much perception of art depends on the people in charge of museums as they may guide, entertain, teach, challenge, or overwhelm their audiences. They apply sophisticated concepts to guide and influence perception.

The art of exhibition and viewing is at the focus here. The show on forms of presentation and mediation is dedicated to the museum’s founder, Ferdinand Franz Wallraf (1748-1824), in the year that will see the 200th anniversary of his death. He originally laid the foundations for Cologne’s first museum. The exhibition connects the fascinating chamber of wonders and gallery of baroque paintings to radical artist concepts and even the museum of the future.

Dates: 11 October 2024 to 9 February 2025

The entire cosmos by Ewald Mataré, Museum Kurhaus Kleve

The great Mataré exhibition 2024 of Museum Kurhaus Kleve presents the entire range of the work of this German sculptor, medallist, graphics designer, and painter. The exhibition is touching on his beginnings in Berlin, the monument in Kleve, his international works, his art in architecture, and the women around Mataré.

Individual exhibits will allow guests to understand how actor Heinz Rühmann and the Millowitsch theatre family were approaching the famous sculptor. His disqualification as a “degenerate artist” in the Third Reich is covered as well. The exhibition’s architecture supports an experience spread out across 20 rooms and is to revive the atmosphere of the Berlin café regularly frequented by Ewald Mataré and many other artists as well.

The MKK team is also presenting current research results from the newly created Mataré archive within the exhibition. The museum’s collection recently grew considerably once again thanks to a generous gift received in 2023. All in all, the bequest of benefactor and former museum director Guido de Werd contained more than 280 wood, bronze, and ceramics sculptures, along with plaster drafts, 230 woodcuts, 455 drawings, 101 watercolours, three paintings, and 20 designs for art-in-architecture projects that have never been exhibited before.

Dates: 27 October 2024 to 9 March 2025

Times and spaces. Classics of the collection. Ruisdael to Dix, Von der Heydt-Museum Wuppertal

The Von der Heydt-Museum Wuppertal is hosting its “Zeiten und Räume” exhibition, leading visitors through the periods of European art history and presenting excerpts from its extraordinary collection. Guests will be able to experience art in the form of a visual tour guide.

Works presented include select paintings and sculptures from the 17th century to the 1960s. Works by Ludwig Richter, Gustave Courbet, Hans von Marées, Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Jacob van Ruisdael, Otto Dix, and Hans Arp spirit onlookers away into the Netherlands and to Flanders, to the art metropolises of Paris and Berlin, and into the unassuming little town of Worpswede, where a centre of creativity was founded in the late 19th century in the shape of an artists’ colony that is radiating its light far beyond state borders.

The Von der Heydt-Museum emphasises its special position within North Rhine-Westphalia’s museum landscape with its exhibition. Its inventory comprises 2,000 paintings, 500 sculptures, 800 photographs, and 30,000 graphics.

Dates: 24 March 2024 to the spring of 2025
Matching travel offer: Times and spaces. Classics of the Collection. Ruisdael to Dix

Yoko Ono, K20 of the Kunstsammlung NRW in Düsseldorf

The Kunstsammlung NRW celebrates its personal highlight of the exhibition year of 2024 with “Yoko Ono”. The Düsseldorf museum is dedicating a comprehensive presentation to the works of the concept artist and filmmaker at K20 Grabbeplatz.

The oeuvre of the activist, Fluxus pioneer, and musician comprises performances, works on paper, object and sound art, and a choice of activist projects. Guests will be able to approach key moments of Ono’s career by taking in works from six decades of socio-critical work. A jack of all trades, she was fighting for world peace and organising environmental campaigns. She is considered a key figure in a number of areas of art who always expresses her ideas in a poetic, humorous, and radical manner.

Dates: 28 September 2024 to 16 March 2025

William Kentridge. Triumphs and Complaints, Museum Folkwang in Essen

William Kentridge is one of the most renowned interdisciplinary contemporary artists. He represents a multi-layered body of work of figurative art that deals with suppression and exclusion as well as with rebellion and the urge to be free. On the occasion of his 70th birthday, Museum Folkwang is dedicating an exhibition to the filmmaker, director, and storyteller from South Africa, focusing on more recent work and pieces that can be connected to the history of Essen.

The exhibition at Museum Folkwang presents drawings, graphics, and sculptures, as well as animated short films. Multi-channel projections Kentridge designs specifically for exhibitions offer a glimpse at his creations for musical theatre. Selected works from the museum’s inventory also illustrate the examples Kentridge focused on in the early days of his art, including works by German expressionists such as painter, graphic artist, and sculptor Max Beckmann and members of the Russian avant-garde like the creative painter, designer, and typographer El Lissitzky.

The overview show “William Kentridge. Triumphe und Klagen” is part of a great communal project between Museum Folkwang and the Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden.

Dates: 1 September 2025 to 31 January 2026

Peter Behrens - Art and Technology – LVR Industriemuseum Peter-Behrens-Bau in Oberhausen

The redesigned permanent exhibition on the architect and designer Peter Behrens presents architectural models developed specifically according to original designs as well as current and historical photographs of his buildings - going from his early residential house in Darmstadt to the tobacco factory in Linz. The LVR Industriemuseum building in Oberhausen was also designed by Behrens.

Dalheim Monastery in Lichtenau, exterior view, courtyardf, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Mu­sic, Sci­ence and So­ci­ety

Modern Times, LWL-Museum für Archäologie und Kultur in Herne

The “Modern Times” exhibition of the LWL-Museum für Archäologie und Kultur presents a varied potpourri of extraordinary objects from the last two centuries of human history to its guests. Recovered by archaeologists from around the world, they each have very unique stories. A can ring from the Woodstock-Festival grounds dating back to 1969 may serve as an eye-catcher, or visitors may discover a videogame cassette of the world’s worst game, found in the US state of New Mexico.

Exhibits are broken down into six categories: innovation, destruction, emotion, purpose, special features, and memory. Hobby researchers can discover the secrets behind the roughly 100 exhibits presented here on a round tour. “Guests will also find some objects that they are personally familiar with and that they have already had contact with,” explains museum manager Dr. Doreen Mölders. The expert points out that the exhibition is, first and foremost, dealing with interpretation in the context of time.

The special exhibition also offers an overview of the methods used and the challenges faced by modern archaeologists when planning and digging, evaluating finds and results, and archiving them.

Dates: 8 September 2023 to 18 August 2024

BioInspiration, DASA working world in Dortmund

Technical innovations are often inspired by nature, as is made clear by inventions such as Velcro, impact-resilient car bodies, and robot arms. The “BioInspiration” exhibition illustrates things inspired by aspects from about 2.8 billion years of evolution in the last few centuries.

The exhibition illuminates solutions from nature that can be transferred to objects in order to meet new challenges. Bionics, for example, offer great potential for more efficient use of energy and adjustment to climate change.

Dates: 21 October 2023 to 25 August 2024

In Motion – Art & Football, Deutsches Fußballmuseum in Dortmund

The European Football Championships are leaving their mark on the year of 2024. This can be seen both on the field and in the museum, as is impressively proven by the Deutsches Fußballmuseum (German football museum) with its spectacular special exhibition for the football tournament and an extraordinary cultural festival in Dortmund.

The exhibition “In Motion – Art & Football” presents an extraordinary connection between football and art. Guests can watch an immersive spatial installation unfold before them on an area of about 1,000 square metres, affording an impressive overview of the artistic works that have dealt with the subject of football in the modern Europe of the 20th century.

In parallel with the special exhibition, the football museum is hosting a cultural festival with a number of shows on stage. Guests may look forward to plays, literature, painting, and music. More than 30 events associated with the festival will supplement more modern formats such as European Soccer-Slam Championships where participants of all age groups may take a turn on the controller.

Dates: 27 May 2024 to the winter of 2024
No dedicated page yet

For everyone! Redesigning democracy, Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn

Democracy means rule of the people. Who, however, will represent them? Who can be involved in decision-making and who cannot? The exhibition “Für alle!” (For everyone) in the Bundeskunsthalle is tackling these questions, looking at forms of democracy in a time characterised by political unrest and growing doubt in the structure of the state.

The show takes a clear position in this context. It calls upon its visitors to become actively involved in the exhibition as well as in democracy as such. Visitors can try out the form of direct participation and will be introduced to some places where that principle is already practiced, such as in the Bundestag’s Rat der Ernährung or the Belgian citizens’ parliament.

Anyone who wishes to do so may participate in the community forum of the Bundeskunsthalle to contribute to democratisation and opening of the venue. The exhibition is planned as an excursion to the turning points of history, the beginnings, and the milestones of democracy, without entirely neglecting a look into the future.

Dates: 30 May to 13 October 2024

Ice age journey Greenland, Neanderthal Museum in Mettmann

Watercolour paintings, photographs, and found objects will whisk guests of the Neanderthal Museum away into the distance as the exhibition “Eis Zeit Reise Grönland” (Ice time travel Greenland) introduces them to some details of the history and archaeology of Greenland.

The Graphic Novel “Quanga” forms the starting point for this show that covers, among other things, the settlement of Greenland 4500 years ago, and its colonisation in the 18th century, and the habits of modern-day Inuit. Comic illustrator Konrad Nuka Godfredsen’s work was inspired by stories, legends, and myths.

Date: 18 November 2023 to 3 November 2024

Planet Ozean, Gasometer Oberhausen

The world’s oceans are beautiful, as the “Planet Ozean” (planet ocean) exhibition in the Gasometer Oberhausen is making clear in its large photographs and films, with a specially set up sound room, and the immersive installation of “Die Welle”. Oversized canvases produce a vibrant oceanic world with a vast variety of life forms overhead in the gasometer. Guests can watch shoals of fish swim through the water or view giants of the seas in true size.

The ground floor presents recordings of a Pacific striped octopus dancing merrily through a lagoon, a blue shark hunting, or a leafy sea dragon at camouflage. The sound room allows guests to immerse themselves even more deeply with all senses. It is filled with plops, crackles, pops, and taps as thousands of tiny crustaceans, living coral reefs, or a shoal of codfish are going about their daily business. Protection of the seas is another subject treated in various exhibits, including an interactive globe visualising current insights of research as a geographic information network.

Dates: 15 March 2024 to 30 December 2024

Grow it, show it!, Museum Folkwang in Essen

Museum Folkwang in Essen is taking a look at hairstyles and hair from an artistic perspective with its “Grow it, show it!” exhibition, presenting historical and contemporary works that showcase hair in a special manner.

The exhibits by artists and photographers such as Diane Arbus, Julia Margaret Cameron, Cindy Sherman, Anouk Kruithof, or August Sander represent the hair from people’s heads, armpits, legs, chests, beards, or pubes. They show or conceal, question identities and cultural affiliation. Guests will be able to marvel not only at the strictly artistic works but also at advertising posters, record covers, YouTube videos, and TikTok reels that stand out from the mass of media with their extraordinary perspectives or rare insights.

Dates: 13 September 2024 to 12 January 2025

Superheroes, NRW-Forum in Düsseldorf

Saving humankind, triumphing over evil, and engaging in the eternal fight between the great powers: The NRW-Forum in Düsseldorf is putting legendary superheroes in the spotlight. The new exhibition of the museum at the Ehrenhof is focusing on icons with flying capes and protectors with magical powers.

The comic exhibition is presenting 1,000 exhibits from pop culture on an area of 1,200 square metres. Historical comic books with protagonists such as Superman, Spiderman, or Donald Duck’s alter ego Duck Avenger, as well as more recent copies with lesser-known saviours of humankind will be shown, embodying wishes, dreams, and hopes and serving as a collective vision to defend democracy. The antagonists, opponents, and supervillains have their space in this exhibition as well. What could Good ever be without Evil, after all?

Dates: 13 September 2024 to 26 January 2025

The heritage of Antiquity, Diözesanmuseum Paderborn

Values, cultural techniques, and scientific knowledge survive the millennia, reaching all the way from antiquity through the Middle Ages to our day. How does tradition and transmission actually work, however? The Diözesanmuseum Paderborn is going to tackle this question in its next major exhibition, picking examples from architecture, literature, painting, arts and crafts, and astronomy to analyse how we pass on knowledge. Guests will learn about the heritage that could be preserved, but also about what was inevitably lost.

Dates: Autumn 2024 to January 2025

Glückauf – Film ab! The history of cinema and film in the Ruhr area. A century of Ruhr area cinema, Ruhr Museum on the World Heritage Zollverein in Essen

The Ruhr Museum illuminates the role of Ruhr area cinema in the world of film in its cultural-historical exhibition “Glückauf – Film ab!”. The show focuses on more than a century of the history of its development for this, allowing visitors to the World Heritage Zollverein to understand how cities such as Essen, Gelsenkirchen, or Dortmund adjusted to the great business.

Large cinemas with more than 1000 seats were built in the region as early as in the 1920s. By the late 1950s, the number of cinemas had grown to about 500. Film festivals such as the international short film days in Oberhausen or the Duisburg film week appeared and became established. Actors from the region, such as Heinz Rühmann or Jürgen von Manger, became known far beyond its borders.

The show hosted for the 100th anniversary of Essen’s “Filmstudio Glückauf”, one of North Rhine-Westphalia’s oldest cinemas, illustrates why the industry was able to take hold so well in the coal mining area on the 12-metre-level of the Ruhr Museum.

Dates: 29 June 2024 to 2 March 2025

  • Museum Schloss Moyland in Bedburg-Hau on the Lower Rhine, exterior view, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Max Ernst Museum in Brühl, exterior view, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Marta Herford in Herford, exterior view from above, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Dalheim Monastery in Lichtenau, exterior view, courtyardf, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Blick auf die Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, © Tourismus & Congress GmbH Region Bonn,Rhein-Sieg,Ahrweiler
    Gasometer Oberhausen in der Dämmerung, © Ruhr Tourismus GmbH Jochen Schlutius

Click here to dis­cov­er more mu­seums in NRW

Ludwig Forum Aachen, Außenansicht, © Foto: Carl Brunn

Lud­wig For­um für In­ter­na­tionale Kunst in Aachen

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Das LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn ist eines der ältesten Museen Deutschlands. Seine Fassade strahlt Modernität aus, © LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn

LVR-Landes­Mu­seum Bonn

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The Julia Stoschek Collection is both an art archive and a space for social reflection, © Foto: Simon Vogel, Köln

The Ju­lia Stoschek Col­lec­tion

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LVR-Römermuseum in Xanten, Außenansicht bei Nacht, © Axel Thuenker DGPh

LVR Ro­man Mu­seum in Xanten

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Besuch im Hof, © ourismus & Congress GmbH Region Bonn  Rhein-Seig  Ahrweiler

Beeth­oven-Haus in Bonn

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Der Neubau des Kunstmuseums Bonn stammt von dem Berliner Architekten Axel Schultes. Er wurde 1992 eröffnet, © Kunstmuseum Bonn, Foto: David Ertl

Kun­st­mu­seum Bonn

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Ausblick auf das alte Dorf, © Foto Sabine König

Ber­gisch Open-Air Mu­seum Lind­lar

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Xanten, APX, Fundamente des römischen Stadtbades, © Axel Thuenker dgph

Ar­chae­olo­gic­al Park Xanten

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Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Bereich Begegnung und Aneignung: Grenzüberschreitungen, © Martin Classen und Arno Jansen

Rauten­strauch-Joest Mu­seum in Co­logne

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The Ruhr Museum at the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen, © Thomas Willemsen

Ruhr Mu­seum at the Zollver­ein World Her­it­age Site in Es­sen

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