Football on Phoenix West, Dortmund, © Ruhr Tourismus, Dennis Stratmann

Foot­ball in NRW

Lov­ing and breath­ing foot­ball

Foot­ball love

The largest num­ber of Bundes­liga clubs, the old­est clubs, the most emo­tion­al derbies – the heart of ball sports is beat­ing in North Rhine-West­phalia.

Gelsenkirchen Halde Rheinelbe, © Ruhr Tourismus, Dennis Stratmann

Feel­ing foot­ball

Foot­ball plays a ma­jor role on the Rhine and Ruhr. For the people of North Rhine-West­phalia, foot­ball is a pas­sion, a way of life and an iden­tity.

Hennes IX, mascot of 1. FC Köln, © Kölner Zoo

Fun facts about the foot­ball state of NRW

Unique fea­tures and un­broken re­cords Sev­en foot­ball fun facts that even cer­ti­fied ex­perts may not have known yet.

Schalke pub in Gelsenkirchen, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

22 foot­ball ven­ues

North Rhine-West­phalia will let you ex­per­i­ence the most di­verse fa­cets of foot­ball en­thu­si­asm, now co­sily with a view of the sta­di­um or train­ing ground over a tank­ard of beer or a curry­wurst, now ath­let­ic and act­ive with a (vir­tu­al) ball, and al­ways full of emo­tion and ded­ic­a­tion. Let us present 22 spe­cial foot­ball ven­ues to be found in NRW.

The Gehry Buildings in the Media Harbour in Düsseldorf, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Buck­et Lists - Host Cit­ies

Find some buck­et lists for ex­cur­sions around the Euro 2024 host cit­ies here. Get to know your NRW!

Signal Iduna Stadium Dortmund, © Roland Gorecki

NRW is cel­eb­rat­ing foot­ball

Watch­ing the matches to­geth­er is about the best thing ima­gin­able. Find places for pub­lic view­ing and fan zones in the host cit­ies here.

German Football Museum in Dortmund, exterior view with long-time exposure, © Johannes Höhn

Foot­ball Route NRW

This train­trip con­nects the four European Cham­pi­on­ship host cit­ies Co­logne, Düs­sel­dorf, Gelsen­kirchen and Dortmund and their high­lights - in­clud­ing min­ing, world her­it­age, city beaches and chocol­ate.

Rheinauhafen Köln Fanguide Edition, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Your loc­al fan guide

Ex­plore castles, mu­seums and ac­cess­ible in­dus­tri­al her­it­age, re­lax in nature or so­cial­ise in res­taur­ants, bars and brew­er­ies: Your fan guide for the foot­ball state of NRW has plenty of sug­ges­tions for loc­al ex­per­i­ences.

The playl­ist for Euro 2024

What foot­ball sounds like in NRW