Teutoburg Forest, near Horn-Bad Meinberg, Lippischer Velmerstot, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Land­scapes & Nature in North Rhine-West­phalia

Your Nat­ur­al Ex­per­i­ence

In this green loc­a­tion, you can meet wild flam­in­gos and clack­ing storks and ex­per­i­en­ce the "Rhine ro­man­ti­cism" whilst en­joy­ing stun­ning views of what is surely the most ro­mant­ic river in the world. Dis­cov­er a side of North Rhine-West­phalia that will truly sur­prise you!

Pure Nature

In this green loc­a­tion, you can meet wild flamin­gos and clack­ing storks and ex­per­i­ence the "Rhine ro­man­ti­cism" whilst en­joy­ing stun­ning views of what is surely the most ro­mantic river in the world. Dis­cov­er a side of North Rhine-West­phalia that will truly sur­prise you!

The Struffeltroute in the Eifel, © Johannes Höhn

Nature Parks & Eifel Na­tion­al Park

Ex­per­i­ence the twelve nature parks in NRW and the only na­tion­al park: we present the most beau­ti­ful hik­ing and cyc­ling trails through nature, breath­tak­ing vant­age points and oth­er ex­cur­sion tips.

Externsteine aerial view close, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Won­ders of nature

The land­scape of NRW is burst­ing with col­our. Dot­ted among the ex­tens­ive swathes of green, vis­it­ors will spot splashes of vi­brant col­our in places like Zwill­brock­er Venn in Mün­ster­land, the home of Europe’s most north­erly pink flamingo breed­ing colony. A sea of yel­low awaits in the Eifel, mean­while, both in early spring when the wild daf­fodils start to ap­pear and a little later when the broom shrubs be­gin to flower. Mys­ter­i­ous caves in Sauer­land, le­gend-steeped rock form­a­tions in the Teuto­burg Forest, a wild herd of European bison in Sieger­land-Wit­tgen­stein and the dis­cov­ery site of Neander­th­al man provide fur­ther col­our­ful at­trac­tions.

Rhine cycle path wheels in landscape park , © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.


With a cyc­ling net­work of around 30,000 km, NRW of­fers nu­mer­ous cyc­ling and themed routes. Nu­mer­ous cycle route plan­ners help you not to lose track of the cycle routes.

Wild horses Dülmen graze in the Mehrfelder Bruch nature reserve , © Leo Thomas

Wild NRW - our "Big Five"

Daytrips to flamin­gos, wild horses and tors North Rhine-West­phalia is not only not­ably green, but also very wild and col­our­ful. Who­ever is out and about to ex­plore nature, will come across some sur­prise.

Lake Freilingen in Blankenheim in the Eifel region, © Johannes Höhn

Hik­ing hol­i­days in North Rhine-West­phalia

Top-Products & In­sider-Tips Hikers in North Rhine-West­phalia have qual­ity be­neath their feet: an in­creas­ing num­ber of trails are be­ing awar­ded the ‘Qual­ity hik­ing trail’ seal un­der the Ger­man Hik­ing As­so­ci­ation’s ‘Wanderbares Deutsch­land’ pro­gramme. NRW has something of a tra­di­tion here, be­ing present right from the start: the old­est and most suc­cess­ful hik­ing trail un­der the cer­ti­fic­a­tion pro­ced­ure is the Eggeweg in the Teuto­burg Forest.

Die Flamingos am Zwillbrocker Venn teilen sich ihren Lebensraum mit Kolonien von Lachmöwen, © Biologische Station Zwillbrock e. V.

Nature ex­per­i­ence tours

Flower­ing heath land­scapes, dense forests and wild flood­plains Pack your bags and ex­plore the an­im­als and land­scapes of NRW on four nature tours. Dis­cov­er flamin­gos and high­land cattle in the Mün­ster­land re­gion, look for beavers on the Lower Rhine, be amazed at the sight of wis­ents by moon­light in the Teuto­bur­ger Wald forest, or fol­low the tracks of wild­cats in the Eifel re­gion. Ready to go?

Nina Braun Ranger Nationalpark Eifel Persona, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.