Ferris wheel in front of the St. Petri Church in Soest, © Roland Jung

Shin­ing Brightly: Our Star­lets in NRW

Unique Events, Unique Mo­ments

Fans and true experts experience unique moments in some very different events in NRW. Mountain bikers, for example, show great performance at Europe’s largest freeride festival in Winterberg; the German cheese market in Nieheim has hand-made specialities for visitors to try out and enjoy, and the gigantic Roman festival in Xanten offers historically informative entertainment with swords, bread, and circuses.

Flax Mar­ket at Linn Castle

Tra­di­tion­al trades such as soap boil­er, rope­maker, or cal­li­graph­er are pop­u­lar at the Linn Flax Mar­ket. Vis­it­ors may watch the pros at work as they cre­ate artist­ic ob­jects such as or­nate pot­tery, me­lodi­ous in­stru­ments, and beau­ti­ful tex­tile work. Knights’ tour­na­ments and aer­i­al shows provide an ex­uber­ant at­mo­sphere away from the stalls.

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Ro­man Fest­iv­al in Xanten

Every oth­er year, around 500 per­formers, craftspeople, and traders par­ti­cip­ate in Europe’s largest Ro­man fest­iv­al to bring Ro­man his­tory to life. They re-en­act le­gion­ar­ies, gla­di­at­ors, or simple cit­izens and spir­it vis­it­ors away in­to a dif­fer­ent time in the Xanten Ar­chae­olo­gic­al Park.

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Castles and Fort­resses Day

About 40 his­tor­ic­al build­ings will turn in­to cul­tur­al centres with a pro­gramme of events on the Castles and Fort­resses Day in Mün­ster­land. Sev­er­al in­sti­tu­tions that are not oth­er­wise open to the pub­lic are in­volved as well. Ath­let­ic guests may join walk­ing or cyc­ling groups to travel between the ven­ues.

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The Hell­weg Murders

Go look­ing for clues in a spooky castle ru­in to­geth­er with world-fam­ous au­thors, act out a fic­tion­al murder in old in­dus­tri­al monu­ments, or pur­sue the per­pet­rat­or at the Trap­pren­n­bahn in the course of the “Hell­weg Murders” event.

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Pützchens Markt in Bonn

Tra­di­tion and nos­tal­gia meet at a mod­ern fair with ac­tion-packed rides: more than one mil­lion vis­it­ors are drawn to Pützchens Markt in Bonn each year.

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Day of Gar­dens and Parks

Guests can ex­plore beau­ti­ful places of nature on a route of their own choice through the roughly 150 pub­lic and private fa­cil­it­ies that par­ti­cip­ate in the cam­paign week­end every year. A guided tour and cul­tur­al pro­gramme com­plete the di­verse of­fer.

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All Saints’ Day Fair in Soest

Hawkers and “bull’s eyes” in a pic­tur­esque old town set­ting: Old tra­di­tions live on and spe­cial ex­per­i­ences await at the Soest All Saints’ Day Fair.

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The final fireworks are part of the Extraschicht. One takes place at the Henrichshütte, © Ruhr Tourismus, Kreklau

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Paint on Walls-Festival Geldern 2021, Oldhaus, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

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