Die Schmiede im LVR-Freilichtmuseum Lindlar im Bergischen Land, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
Ausblick auf das alte Dorf, © Foto Sabine König

Ber­gisch Open-Air Mu­seum Lind­lar


Rur­al Life in 1900: the Ber­gisch Open-Air Mu­seum in­vites you on a jour­ney in­to the last cen­tury. Au­then­t­ic build­ings, gar­dens and fields make rur­al life tan­gible.

At the Bergisch Open-Air Museum in Lindlar visitors embark on a journey into the past. Located in the heart of Bergisches Land and only about 30 kilometres east of Cologne, museum visitors can experience first-hand how the rural population lived in the 19th and 20th centuries.

This museum’s exhibitions are spread over 25 hectares, presenting the cultural landscape of Bergisches Land as it was around 1900. On the site, nestled idyllically among hilly pastures and forests, visitors will find a range of reconstructions of previously dismantled Bergisch houses in their original locations. Addressing ecology, rural work and artisanry, visitors can catch a glimpse of life as it was then in an authentic setting. Even the area around the museum has been restored to its authentic condition, reflecting the time around the turn of the 20th century. This allows visitors to gain a clear picture of the land, gardens and fields around which the lives of the rural population centred at the time.

Even on less sunny days, a visit to see the permanent exhibitions will not disappoint. Many exhibits on various topics show what life was like in 1900. The “Alltag Glauben” (“Everyday Faith”) exhibition, for example, explains the important role religion played at that time and the straw-exhibition shows all kinds of items that used to be made out of straw. Children will find the regular craft demonstrations particularly exciting. Here, younger visitors can not only watch bread being baked, but also have the opportunity to try some to taste. The museum game poses a range of exciting questions for children to find out the answers to. And the waterways-themed path is interesting for children and adults alike.

Every now and again the Bergisch Open-Air Museum features temporary exhibitions as well. Tours, including regular herb or ecological tours, lead throughout the entire compound. The museum shop provides sustenance to visitors by offering regional specialities, while the museum restaurant serves traditional dishes and Bergische Kaffeetafel, a type of high tea. The museum hostel also allows visitors the opportunity to stay the night. Some of the rooms are wheelchair-accessible.

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LVR-Freilichtmuseum Lindlar
Schloss Heiligenhoven
51789 Lindlar

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Opening Hours
Valid from 01.03.2020

Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday 10:00 - 18:00
Holiday 10:00 - 18:00

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