Drachenburg Castle, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Re­gions in North Rhine-West­phalia

A di­verse des­tin­a­tion

North Rhine-West­phalia has twelve re­gions, each of­fer­ing its own unique at­trac­tions. Some are a para­dise for lov­ers of the great out­doors, with hik­ing, cyc­ling, horse­back rid­ing and wa­ter­s­ports just some of the activ­it­ies on of­fer. Oth­er parts of NRW are more urb­an­ised and really come in­to their own for lov­ers of cul­ture. Each and every re­gion shapes North Rhine-West­phalia in its own unique way and of­fers up plenty of sur­prises for vis­it­ors!

Suspension railway in Wuppertal , © Bjorn Troch | The Social Traveler

Ber­gisch Three

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Lindlar open-air museum in the Bergisches Land region, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ber­gisches Land

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Bonn city, © Michael Sondermann, Bundesstadt Bonn

Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg re­gion

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View of the Düsseldorf Media Harbor including the Rhine Tower, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Düs­sel­dorf and nean­der­land

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Eifelblick Schöne Aussicht in Nideggen-Schmidt, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Aachen and the Eifel

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Old town, cologne, © Sanny Zoekt Geluk

Co­logne and Rhine-Erft County

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Shot from the shore with a view of Vischering Castle in Münsterland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.


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Diersfordter Wald, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Lower Rhine

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Halde Hohewad, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ruhr Area

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Meinerzhagen in the Ebbegebirge in Sauerland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.


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Alter Flecken Freudenberg in Siegen-Wittgenstein, © Tourismus NRW e.V.


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Hermann Monument in Detmold in the Teutoburg Forest, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Teuto­burg Forest

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Look­ing for a short break?

Two hikers in the open air museum Lindlar, © Tourismus NRW e.V.


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Cycling Rhine Cycle Route Königswinter, © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.


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Ludwig Forum Aachen, Außenansicht, © Foto: Carl Brunn

Lud­wig For­um für In­ter­na­tionale Kunst in Aachen

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Das LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn ist eines der ältesten Museen Deutschlands. Seine Fassade strahlt Modernität aus, © LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn

LVR-Landes­Mu­seum Bonn

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Rows of decorative houses and small cafés are waiting in the old town of Linn, © Stadt Krefeld


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The Aachen Cathedral, © aachen tourist service e.v.

Aachen Cathed­ral

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The Julia Stoschek Collection is both an art archive and a space for social reflection, © Foto: Simon Vogel, Köln

The Ju­lia Stoschek Col­lec­tion

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Das ehemalige Kloster und heutige Schloss Corvey ist heute Wohnort des Herzoglichen Hauses Ratibor und Corvey, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Cor­vey Höx­ter

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Luftaufnahme Schloss Homburg, © Joachim Gies

Hom­burg Castle Nüm­brecht

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Wellenreiter, © Pano GmbH

Wild­life and leis­ure park Pan­or­ama­park Sauer­land

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Die Sparrenburg thront auf dem 180 Meter hohen Sparrenberg, © Bielefeld Marketing GmbH

Spar­ren­burg Biele­feld

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LVR-Römermuseum in Xanten, Außenansicht bei Nacht, © Axel Thuenker DGPh

LVR Ro­man Mu­seum in Xanten

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Today a theater hall for concerts in the Duisburg-Nord landscape park, © Johannes Höhn


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Der Eifeler Döppekooche, ein traditioneller Kartoffelauflauf, wird heute als schmackhaftes Ofengericht wiederenteckt, © Archiv Eifel Tourismus GmbH

Au­then­t­ic cuisine

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