Declaration on Accessibility
As of: February 2022
Tourismus NRW e.V. as the website operator strives to design its website in compliance with the relevant provisions on accessibility.
Tourismus NRW e.V. as the website operator strives to design its website in compliance with the relevant provisions on accessibility.
We are subject to the following legal provisions:
- Law of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia on equality of people with disabilities (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen - BGG NRW)
- Accessible information technology ordinance of North Rhine-Westphalia (BITVNRW)
This explanation on accessibility applies to the website
Feedback and contact information
Have you found any issues with accessibility of the contents on our website, or do you have any notices or questions regarding accessibility? Please contact us at:
Tourismus NRW e.V.
Völklinger Str. 4
D-40219 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 91320-500
Fax: +49 211 91320-555
Contact form:
Status of reconcilability with the requirements
Based on the review, the websites are not or only partly reconcilable with the above requirements due to the following deviations or exceptions.
Text alternatives
Alternative texts for figures and objects: technically complete and editorially generally met, but some alternative texts are not equivalent to the picture content; in specific cases, they are missing entirely – in progress –
Accessibility by keyboard
Usability without a mouse: Some operating elements cannot be selected and/or activated correctly by keyboard at the moment. – in progress, implementation planned for early 2022 –
Navigation capacity
Sensible document titles: The document title does not always sufficiently correctly designate the page content or may lead to display issues. – in progress –
Removal of these defects is currently planned and mostly in progress already. Once accessibility on our pages has been improved, we will publish information on this. We strive to remove what barriers still exist as quickly as possible.
Evaluation method
Review of compliance with the requirements is based on an “accessibility audit” performed by infomax websolution GmbH on 08/01/2021. The audit reviewed the ten most important criteria of the WCAG based on the easy checks (
Enforcement procedure
If you believe that you are disadvantaged due to an insufficiently accessible design of our website, you can contact the competent enforcement office at:
Ombudsperson for accessible information technology of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia at the
Landesbeauftragte für Menschen mit Behinderungen
Fürstenwall 25
D-40219 Düsseldorf
Compilation of this statement on accessibility
This statement was last reviewed on 09/02/2022.
All information on data protection and the disclaimer can be found here: