Sarah Morris wall mosaic Düsseldorf, © Nina Hüpen-Bestendonk

NRW. Have a look!

Per­son­al re­ports of travels to the state’s most beau­ti­ful places

NRW is decorating its shop windows by filling them up with extraordinary travel experiences for everyone. If you’re looking to go on a three-day exploration in the Far West, you’ve come to the right place.

Browse the offering while accompanying German bloggers and journalists across the state. Let them introduce you to some popular attractions, inns, and accommodations in their personal travel reports while introducing you to regional attractions with matching themes in terms of experience, culinary, and accommodation. Some may want to go cycling with the family, right into the countryside, to industrial culture, or historical production sites. Others might prefer exploring the trendy districts of a metropolis with friends or visit famous museums as a group. Enthusiasts of extreme sports can have a look at the latest trekking routes with like-minded people, while anyone seeking relaxation may treat themselves to a well-deserved rest on themed hiking trails.

Have a look!

Every re­gion has a suit­able fig­ure­head for you on dis­play. When will you set out on your trip to NRW?

Hiking on the Eifel trail, © Eva Sieben

Track­ing Nature

Wheth­er late Middle Ages, early in­dus­tri­al cul­ture, or just pure nature: any­one who travels in the Eifel will walk in the tracks of an event­ful past and a mul­ti­fa­ceted present.

Aachen Cathedral, © Leo Thomas

Crowned Heads

A jour­ney through Aachen, from the Aachen Cathed­ral, the Elis­en­brunnen, Char­le­magne, and the Couven Mu­seum to de­li­cious Prin­ten.

Nordkirchen Castle rear view, © Ilona Marx

No­bil­ity by Bike

Walk – or rather: cycle – in the tracks of West­phali­an no­bil­ity and vis­it en­chant­ing castles and palaces along the way.

Sarah Morris wall mosaic Düsseldorf, © Nina Hüpen-Bestendonk

Art and Kil­lepitsch

The Rhine met­ro­pol­is of Düs­sel­dorf of­fers en­ter­tain­ment for any weath­er: Mod­ern mu­seums, quirky ar­chi­tec­ture, nice de­sign­er shops, Rhen­ish cuisine, and, of course, the world’s longest bar.

Jule Wagner on her Gravelbike, © Jule Wagner

A “loaded” week­end

Through the Sauer­land on the gravel bike: three routes with lengths between 40 and 60 kilo­metres lead gravel fans across the gravel roads to great vant­age points around Win­ter­berg.

Bonn Beethoven monument on Münsterplatz, © Johannes Höhn

En­coun­ters with Beeth­oven

With Beeth­oven through Bonn and the re­gion: This tour on the com­poser’s tracks leads to Bonngasse and Bonn Cathed­ral. A hike in the Siebenge­birge vis­its the Drachen­fels and Schloss Drachen­burg.

Course of the river Düssel in the glacial game reserve Neandertal, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Wa­ter ski­ing, forest climb­ing, and wild­life en­clos­ures

A week­end in Nean­der­land of­fers a great num­ber of ad­ven­tures and sur­prises.

Street Art in Cologne Ehrenfeld, © Nina Hüpen-Bestendonk

“Op Jück” in Köln

Brew­ery, street art, and design: a week­end in Co­logne takes trav­el­lers to some very spe­cial places in the met­ro­pol­is on the Rhine.

View from Moyland Castle over the woods, © Ilona Marx

Where art kisses his­tory

A bike tour along the Lower Rhine lets trav­el­lers dis­cov­er an­cient Ro­man towns, me­di­ev­al church treas­ures and im­port­ant sta­tions in the life of Joseph Beuys.

Wheelchair user at the Zollern colliery, © wheeliewanderlust

Ac­cess­ible through Dortmund

The largest city in the Ruhr Area of­fers the Ger­man Foot­ball Mu­seum, the Phoenix-See, Zeche Zollern, and the Dortmun­der U as ac­cess­ible ven­ues

The Hermannsdenkmal is surrounded by the idyllic landscape of the Teutoburger Wald, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

High up in Her­mann’s coun­try

There is a lot to dis­cov­er in the Teuto­burg Forest: The Her­mann Monu­ment, the Ex­tern­steine and the beau­ti­ful old town of Det­mold. Oth­er high­lights are wait­ing along the way.