Green Meetings in the green fair-trade city known for its stunning industrial heritage.
Essen is one of the hearts that beat in the Ruhr area. That doesn’t mean that you should be expecting a dreary industrial backdrop, however: Holding the title of “European Green Capital 2017”, Essen is a fair-trade city that offers environmentally friendly and sustainable “Green Meetings”. The items of mobility, energy, and climate play are just as relevant in this as the aspects of resources, catering, and communication.
A good social programme can be ensured in Essen as well: Some of the many excursion options include the Unesco World Heritage Site Zeche Zollverein, the venerable Villa Hügel of the Krupp family, and the Museum Folkwang.
Essen can be reached easily from any direction, both by motorway and by aeroplane. All the major long-distance trains stop at Essen Central Station, including ICE and Metropolitan. Essen Convention will help you with planning and implementation of events in the green Ruhr area.
- Bus and transfer organisation
- Organisation and implementation of social programmes, city tours, excursions, and incentives in Essen and the entire Ruhr area
- Mediation of competent and multilingual tour guides
- Sale of event tickets
- Gastronomy recommendations for get-togethers, speaker dinners, etc.
- Pre-selection of suitable hotels as well as free inquiry and administration of hotel room allocations
- Detailed information on the conference and congress offerings in Essen
- Planning and organisation of individual site inspections
- Pre- and post-convention tours
- Support in the selection of suitable event locations for conferences, congresses, presentations, events, etc. as well as collection of individual offers
- Preparation of documents such as bid book and PowerPoint presentations for a congress application
- Brochure, text, and photo service for publications
- Staffing of an information desk during the event
- Gastronomy recommendations for get-togethers, speaker dinners, etc.