Essen Marketing GmbH
Essen Marketing GmbH
ESSEN.Is always a highlight.
Hardly any other German city has undergone so much development over the centuries as Essen has. It has gone from being a medieval settlement with a secular monastery for ladies of the nobility, to one of the world's most important centres for the mining industry, to a modern metropolis where global companies from sectors such as management, trade and services have made their home. But Essen is much more than all that. Essen is an international trade fair venue, an exhibition space for the greatest artists of our time, a world stage, a cultural stronghold, a centre for design, a party venue, a sports ground, an amusement park, a gigantic green space and, of course, it is still a fascinating monument to industrial culture. The true emblem of the Ruhr area, the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex (Zeche Zollverein) with the adjacent coking plant was long ago listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. With it, Essen will once again step into the spotlight in 2014, as the German National Tourist Board has dedicated this year to the theme of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Germany. But this is only the beginning of a very exciting twelve months for the vibrant Ruhr metropolis. Essen has developed itself into a creative centre thanks to the internationally renowned Folkwang University of the Arts, which advised on the city's application to become a "UNESCO City of Design". With its design awards, successful companies and excellent designers, Essen continues to deliver creative impulses that have a lasting effect.
Applying for this EU title is merely a next logical step, as the 'green metropolis of the Ruhr' has long been setting the bar high in environmental standards and environmental protection sectors. So, Essen is looking to the future in 2014, but also into the past. The special exhibition "1914 - at the heart of Europe", documents the changes in society and the breakup of Europe in the modern era, a development in which Essen played a significant role.
Finally, it is very important to have a good celebration for an anniversary. The Essen Philharmonic will put on a grand concert to celebrate its 10th birthday on 4 June 2014. Due to take place in one of Europe's finest concert halls, this promises to be another highlight. One thing is already clear: 2014 will be remembered as a very special one in the eventful history of the city of Essen.
The Essen Tourist Office is on hand to guide you when it comes to sightseeing tours, walking tours and city tours. The staff would be pleased to advise you, in your choice of accommodation for example, or could also put together a personal visitors’ programme for you.