Ausblick auf das Schloss Benrath, © Stiftung Schloss und Park Benrath

Ben­rath Palace and Castle Park Düs­sel­dorf

A mag­ni­fi­cent build­ing with a pleas­ure palace, hunt­ing park, ponds and canals

The ‘Kö’ (König­sallee) is not the only place to find pomp in Düs­sel­dorf: Schloss Ben­rath is con­sidered to be the most im­port­ant ar­chi­tec­tur­al syn­thes­is of the arts in the state cap­it­al. Every room in the palace faces out onto the gar­dens. The im­pos­ing palace park serves as a ven­ue for en­ter­tain­ment events.

With its summer residence, hunting park, ponds and canals, Benrath Palace is the most important architectural work of art in Düsseldorf. This palace to the south of Düsseldorf looks just the same today as it would have in 1775, when it was planned and built by master builder Nicolas de Pigage for Elector Palatine Charles Theodore.

As the palace and its generously-proportioned gardens and avenues were being planned, every room inside was matched with a garden area in the grounds. The English garden with its rare trees thus corresponds to the Elector’s private room; the French garden with fountains and flower beds mirrors the rooms of the Electress. A kitchen garden with fruit on trellises, vegetables, herbs and flowers once supplied the palace kitchens with the relevant ingredients and can still be admired today.

A vast forest park stretches almost as far as the banks of the nearby Rhine. The network of avenues is rigidly geometrical in design, with all paths meeting in a star formation around a large lawn. Today, Benrath Palace is home to the Museum of European Garden Art. The castle park is also a venue for many concerts and other events, especially during the summer months.

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Images and videos

Be inspired: images of your NRW

Der Rosaton des Schlosses Benrath fällt Besuchenden bereits vom Weg am Schlossweiher auf, © Düsseldorf Tourismus
Im Parterregarten an der Orangerie blühen im Sommer die verschiedensten Blumensorten, © Düsseldorf Tourismus, Foto: U. Otte
Bei regelmäßig stattfindenden Führungen können Gäste auch mehr über das Interior des Schlosses Benrath erfahren, © Düsseldorf Tourismus, Foto: David Young
Die Innenräume des Corps de Logis von Schloss Benrath sind sehenswert. Überall gibt es etwas zu entdecken, © Düsseldorf Tourismus, Foto: David Young

More information

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Stiftung Schloss und Park Benrath
Benrather Schloßallee 100-106
40597 Düsseldorf
Telephone: +49 211 8997100

Getting there

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Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 17:00
Friday 14:00 - 17:00
Saturday 11:00 - 18:00
Sunday 11:00 - 18:00

The castle park is accessible to guests all year round without admission.

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