Canyon at the Teuto-Circuits hiking trails, © Rudolf Schubert


Ex­cur­sions on the Her­mannsweg (Her­mann Trail)

Half-timbered vil­lages and rugged rock faces, steep climbs and in-cred­ible views – the Teuto­schleifen (Teuto-Cir­cuits) hik­ing trails have no short­age of in­ter­est­ing sights.

Dense forests and narrow paths, bizarre rock formations and magnificent views – hikers who take the Teutoschleifen (Teuto-Circuits) hiking trails through Tecklenburger Land experience the very best of what nature has to offer. Even though the trails are squeezed into a relatively small area, they offer something for everyone in terms of both landscape and level of difficulty.

The paths wind around the long-distance Hermannsweg (Hermann Trail) and are suitable for half- or full-day excursions. The loops were certified as premium trails by the Deutsche Wanderinstitut e.V. (German Institute of Hiking) shortly after they were opened in summer 2014.

Each of the Teuto-circuits has its own appeal

Admirers of half-timbered houses will enjoy the Tecklenburger Bergpfad (Tecklenburg Mountain Trail). Starting in the half-timbered town of Tecklenburg, it continues to the tranquil surrounds of the Teutoburg Forest. The route’s highlights include a forest nature trail with a collection of rare tree species from around the world. The 11-kilometre circuit also provides some magnificent panoramic views.

Whereas hikers must tackle climbs totalling 315 vertical metres on the Tecklenburger Bergpfad route, the Waldauenweg (Forest Clearing Trail) covers much easier terrain. With a total vertical distance of just 98 metres, this Teuto-Circuit nevertheless provides magnificent views of Münsterland. Visitors can climb 256 steps to reach the look-out balcony known as the “Himmelsleiter” (Jacob’s Ladder). The six-kilometre route also passes huge rock formations and leads through idyllic mixed forest paths on the Teutokamm ridge. Hikers also have the chance to watch the busy manoeuvring of ships on the Dortmund-Ems Canal.

A more challenging trail is the Holperdorper Tour, which leads through green meadows and expansive forests from the idyllic resort town of Lienen. Getting close to nature is the theme of this tour – with its trout ponds, rushing streams and beautiful farmhouses it offers a perfect natural idyll. Arriving back at the starting point of the 13-kilometre circuit, hikers can feel even closer to nature at the Barfußpark (Barefoot Park) in Lienen.

Canyon view of turquoise-blue water

The star attraction of the Canyon-Blick (Canyon View) trail is undoubtedly the former quarry in Lengerich, which is now filled with turquoise blue water and home to many species of flora and fauna. In order to enjoy the breath-taking view, however, hikers will first need to tackle a hefty climb. But the effort is definitely worth it – and not just for the beautiful view of the canyon. In good visibility, hikers will even be able to make out the towers of Osnabrück Cathedral. And if the visibility isn’t so good, hikers can at least get a good look at the alpacas along the route.

Hikers with an interest in technology will be in their element on the Bevergerner Pättgen (Bevergern Paths) trail. The tour starts at a century-old lock system, which is still in use. The romantic old town of Bevergern is another of the route’s highlights.

Bizarre rock formations

A narrow path leads to the Dörenthe cliffs, an impressive-looking rocky outcrop which, along with the surrounding forests, forms part of a protected area. The highlights of the scenic nine-kilometre-long tour are the “Königstein” rock and of course the legend-steeped “crouching woman” formation. Those who climb the 40 or so metres to the top are rewarded with panoramic views spanning the whole of Münsterland. As well as the sheer rock formations and majestic mixed woodland, the route features a picturesque hilly landscape and a fruit educational trail.

Length: 9.3 km/ 405 vertical metres

Heiliges Meer

From the Mittelland Canal to the Heiliges Meer nature reserve, a wonderfully diverse landscape taking in waterways, forest, peatland, wet meadows and heathland unfolds. The features that make this tour unique are the sinkhole lakes that dot the landscape, the largest of which is Heiliges Meer. This lake was formed when ground water washed away underground salt deposits, causing the earth to collapse. The unspoilt nature surrounding the lakes is a paradise not just for the water-flea, sundew and dragon-fly, but for hikers, too.

Length: 9 km/ 70 vertical metres

Map of NRW

Tour overview

Info, data & tour route

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Distance in km
Duration in days
Walking/Journey time in hours

Highest point in metres
Uphill altitude difference
Downhill altitude difference
Tour Level
Level of difficulty
  • Round trip
  • Family-friendly
  • Wheelchair-accessible

Images and videos

Be inspired: images of your NRW

Rast mit schöner Aussicht, © Rudi Schubert
Canyon at the Teuto-Circuits hiking trails, © Rudolf Schubert
Die Teutoschleifen sind mit Wegweisern gut ausgeschildert, © Tecklenburger Land Tourismus e.V.
Tolle Aussicht auf das Naturschutzgebiet Heiliges Meer, © Tourist Info Hopsten
Die schöne Brücke am Bevergerner Pättken, © Fotograf Rudi Schubert
Ein entspannender Waldspaziergang tut der Seele gut!, © Dörenther KliFotograf Torben Conrad
Spazierengehen im Holperdorper Tal, © Lienen Fotograf Rudi Schubert
Tecklenburger Bergpfad, © Tecklenburger Land Tourismus e.V.

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