Roller coaster in the themed world "Rookburgh" in Phantasialand , © Phantasialand

Amuse­ment parks

Ex­traordin­ary ca­rou­sels and rides

Not every family excursion needs to lead into nature, to the playground, or a bathing lake. Some aim high instead, driving up adrenaline levels. Amusement parks such as the Movie Park Germany in Bottrop or Phantasialand in Brühl offer high-tech rides, carousels, and exciting shows for action-loaded variety. One takes its guests into the Wild West, another has them climb the walls of the cooling tower of a planned power plant. An air of nostalgia may spread when the youngest family members are climbing into the ladybug roller coaster in front of the late Baroque backdrop.

Movie Park Ger­many

Thrill­ing rides, a 4D cinema and ac­tion-packed shows at­tract film fans to the Ruhr Met­ro­pol­is

A trip to the Wild West? Or a taste of Santa Mon­ica beach life? Vis­it­ors of all ages can get up close and per­son­al with their movie her­oes and en­joy a range of thrill­ing rides.

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Fort Fun Aben­teuer­land

Wild West ad­ven­ture park in Sauer­land

Ex­per­i­ence Wild West ad­ven­tures in Sauer­land: Europe’s longest sum­mer to­bog­gan run, hang-glider zip-wire, Lady­bird Roller­coast­er and loads more at­trac­tions at Fort Fun Aben­teuer­land.

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Im­merse your­self in fant­ast­ic­al worlds at a dream theme park

Africa, China, Mex­ico and Ber­lin meet mys­tery and fantasy – only at Phant­as­i­a­land! Sev­en themed areas of­fer a world of ad­ven­ture with roller­coast­ers, log flume rides and much more.

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Fam­liy theme park Kernie's Wun­der­land Kalkar

Fun and re­lax­a­tion at aban­doned nuc­le­ar re­act­or

The fun al­tern­at­ive to nuc­le­ar power! The site of a nuc­le­ar power plant that nev­er went on­line is now home to Kernie’s Fam­i­li­en­park and Wun­der­land Kalkar.

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Leg­o­land Dis­cov­ery Centre

Para­dise for Lego fans

A must for all Lego fans: a Ruhr Area at­trac­tion where young and old can learn about the col­our­ful bricks, learn new build­ing tricks and take a brick they have made them­selves home.

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