Autumn kayak tour on the Rur in the Eifel, © Johannes Höhn

Golden au­tum­nal mo­ments

Hik­ing, au­tumn mar­kets, and the har­vest

Au­tumn ex­per­i­ences

En­joy­ing the out­doors, re­lax­ing in warm spas or strolling through farm­er­s' mar­kets - in our tips for au­tumn you will find very spe­cial ideas for unique mo­ments in North Rhine-West­phalia.

Neyetalsperre, © Lukas Zecher

Hik­ing tours for au­tumn days

Col­or­ful forests and shiny fruits, the last sun­rays make hik­ing in the au­tumn a spe­cial ex­per­i­ence. Dis­cov­er our au­tumn hik­ing areas for your next trip to NRW!

Tecklenburg Teutoburger Forest, © Tourismus NRW e.V., Hannah Förster

Har­vest ex­per­i­ence

Late sum­mer sets off the har­vest­ing sea­son for re­gion­al treats in NRW, which will last well in­to au­tumn. Sample the fruit in the vine­yards, un­der apple trees, or in the moun­tain heath.