Crane houses Cologne, © Johannes Höhn

Around Co­logne

Our buck­et list for the time between the matches

Are you visiting Cologne with some time to spare around the football match? Let our suggestions for excursions around the cathedral city inspire you. You might visit the Schloss Augustusburg & Schloss Falkenlust castles in Brühl, for example, hike through the Siebengebirge mountains, or spend a night in the Eifel National Park – start tackling our three lists for Cologne, where you will find some ideas for short trips and longer adventures alike.

Buck­et list

Just a few hours to spare …

UNESCO World Heritage Augustusburg Castle in Brühl from the outside, © Johannes Höhn

Buck­et list

An entire day ...

Carousel Phantasialand Brühl, © Johannes Höhn

Buck­et list

With an overnight stay …

View of Monschau Castle, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

This one great love …

Football on Phoenix West, Dortmund, © Ruhr Tourismus, Dennis Stratmann

Foot­ball in NRW

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Blücherpark Cologne, © Johannes Höhn

Your loc­al fan guide co­logne

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Schalke pub in Gelsenkirchen, © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

22 foot­ball ven­ues

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