Ruhrgebiet Duisburg Landschaftspark , © Tourismus NRW e.V.

With in­dus­tri­al cul­ture

On the trail of in­dus­tri­al his­tory high­lights

Numerous bicycle tours make it possible to experience the history of industrial heritage by bike the Rhineland or the Ruhr regions alike. It is worth taking a short or longer break to experience the industrial history of NRW through exciting exhibitions and experiences here.

Exterior view of the Hendrichs shearing mill and drop forge, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

In­dus­tri­al her­it­age in the Rhine­land

Out on the cycle path of the in­dus­tri­al mu­seums

This cycle path takes you past a total of seven sites of Rhenish industrial heritage. Anyone who would like to know if there could have been a good a career for them in the steel industry can take the entrance examination to become an apprentice at the Altenberg zinc factory in Oberhausen. Its tasks require both skill and strength. There may even still be a vacancy at the next stop, at the Hendrichs drop forge in Solingen, where heavy weights are still produced today.

Unesco-Welterbe Zeche Zollverein in Essen, © Ruhr Tourismus  Achim Meurer (

In­dus­tri­al monu­ments in the Ruhr Area

Out on the In­dus­tri­al Her­it­age route

No matter if you prefer a visit to the open-air cinema in the Duisburg Landscape Park, an excursion across the grounds of the UNESCO World Heritage Zollverein, or a visit to the highest exhibition hall in Europe, the Gasometer Oberhausen: the Industrial Heritage route links highlights from industrial heritage in the Ruhr region that are well worth getting off the bike and taking a little time to explore.

Hoheward slagheap in Herten , © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Mine tour, trade routes, and rail­way his­tory

Out on ter­rit­ory routes

As many as 15 themed routes present some highlights in the Ruhr Area, including the Haldenglück route to the most beautiful views in the Ruhr Area at the slagheaps. Once built up by the backfilling of overburden, slag, and building rubble in industrial times, they now offer a chance to cycle all the way to their top while marvelling at unique works of art and enjoying the view of the Ruhr Area.

  • Bochum, Brücke Eisenbahnmuseum, © RuhrtalRadweg, Stratmann
    Skywalk Phoenix West in Dortmund, © Ruhr Tourismus  Achim Meurer (
    Glass showcases with tools in the drop forge Hendrichs, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Ruhr area Duisburg landscape park windmill, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Margarethenhöhe in Essen, © Ruhr Tourismus GmbH, Jochen Schlutius
    Henrichshütte track with wagon, © Tourismus NRW e.V.