Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum, Roboter Peter und Petra, © Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum

Mu­seums of Nat­ur­al His­tory and Sci­ence

Ex­per­i­ence des­tin­a­tions in­vite vis­it­ors on jour­neys of dis­cov­ery

Exploring, experimenting, researching and trying things out is the clear focus at some popular experience destinations. Visitors participate in entire series of experiments that challenge the intellect and really make heads spin, for example. Planetariums whisk space pilots away to distant stars and strange galaxies.  Various aspects of everyday life play a role in varied permanent exhibitions. Some institutions are even dedicated to presenting an element, other establishments dissect the scientific links between flora and fauna from a natural history perspective. Anyone who wants to find out more about physical laws, chemical processes and technical advances will certainly expand their horizons in many different ways at the educational establishments.

Click here to dis­cov­er more mu­seums in NRW

Ludwig Forum Aachen, Außenansicht, © Foto: Carl Brunn

Lud­wig For­um für In­ter­na­tionale Kunst in Aachen

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Das LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn ist eines der ältesten Museen Deutschlands. Seine Fassade strahlt Modernität aus, © LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn

LVR-Landes­Mu­seum Bonn

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The Julia Stoschek Collection is both an art archive and a space for social reflection, © Foto: Simon Vogel, Köln

The Ju­lia Stoschek Col­lec­tion

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LVR-Römermuseum in Xanten, Außenansicht bei Nacht, © Axel Thuenker DGPh

LVR Ro­man Mu­seum in Xanten

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Besuch im Hof, © ourismus & Congress GmbH Region Bonn  Rhein-Seig  Ahrweiler

Beeth­oven-Haus in Bonn

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Der Neubau des Kunstmuseums Bonn stammt von dem Berliner Architekten Axel Schultes. Er wurde 1992 eröffnet, © Kunstmuseum Bonn, Foto: David Ertl

Kun­st­mu­seum Bonn

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Ausblick auf das alte Dorf, © Foto Sabine König

Ber­gisch Open-Air Mu­seum Lind­lar

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Xanten, APX, Fundamente des römischen Stadtbades, © Axel Thuenker dgph

Ar­chae­olo­gic­al Park Xanten

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Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Bereich Begegnung und Aneignung: Grenzüberschreitungen, © Martin Classen und Arno Jansen

Rauten­strauch-Joest Mu­seum in Co­logne

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The Ruhr Museum at the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen, © Thomas Willemsen

Ruhr Mu­seum at the Zollver­ein World Her­it­age Site in Es­sen

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