LWL-Museum für Archäologie, Spurensuche im Großsteingrab, © LWL_P.Jülich

Mu­seums of tan­gible his­tory

Ex­hib­i­tion ven­ues that make a ramble through time pos­sible

Many popular museums take visitors on a journey through the centuries or millennia. Industrial history, development history and cultural history play a role at these establishments. Sometimes the focus is on popular sports, sometimes on evolution or the transformation of a people. Hobby historians become explorers of prehistory or specialists in the advancement of a branch of industry. In the lively historical spaces, visitors can imagine they are Roman legionnaires, Neanderthals or top athletes. Amusing entertainment is as guaranteed as learning on excursions and guided tours.

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LVR-Römermuseum in Xanten, Außenansicht bei Nacht, © Axel Thuenker DGPh

LVR Ro­man Mu­seum in Xanten

Ar­chae­olo­gic­al finds bear wit­ness to the lives of Ro­man cit­izens and le­gion­naires. In build­ings that are true to the ori­gin­als, his­tory is turned in­to an ex­per­i­ence for every­one. Vis­it­ors can find out about trade routes, im­port­ant mil­it­ary bases and reign­ing powers in the re­gion.

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum, Innenansicht, Besucherandrang, © Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum

Ger­man Sports & Olympics Mu­seum Co­logne

Im­port­ant races, un­for­get­table matches and fam­ous per­sons play a huge role in the per­man­ent ex­hib­i­tion of the Ger­man Sports & Olympics Mu­seum. The fa­cil­ity of­fers an his­tor­ic­al over­view from an­tiquity to mod­ern times. Over 2,000 square metres of space, vis­it­ors can see un­usu­al ex­hib­its ran­ging from bobsleighs to base­ball gloves.

Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, Rundgang Steinkohle, © Deutsches Bergbau-Museum/Helena Grebe

Ger­man Min­ing Mu­seum in Bo­chum

The biggest min­ing mu­seum in the world im­press­ively demon­strates that no oth­er in­dustry is as closely as­so­ci­ated with the Ruhr Dis­trict as min­ing. Vis­it­ors can ex­per­i­ence up close what it was like to be a miner un­der­ground. The show pit, four ex­hib­i­tion tours and a large wind­ing tower can be viewed.

Aussenansicht Deutsches Fußballmuseum Dortmund - direkt am Hauptbahnhof, © Deutsches Fußballmuseum Dortmund

Ger­man Foot­ball Mu­seum Dortmund

Here, there’s more than just titles, goals and tri­umphs on dis­play. The mu­seum is ded­ic­ated to the less ap­peal­ing as­pects of foot­ball as well as those that pro­mot­ing un­der­stand­ing between na­tions.

Red Dot Design Museum, Audi A8, © Red Dot Design Museum

Red Dot Design Mu­seum at the Zollver­ein World Her­it­age Site in Es­sen

The Red Dot Design Mu­seum presents styl­ishly and prac­tic­ally de­signed ob­jects that have won the award over sev­er­al dec­ades. The back­drop of the old coal mine provides a unique con­trast between old in­dus­tri­al ma­chines and in­nov­at­ive products. The cul­tur­al centre has over 2,000 ob­jects in its col­lec­tion.

Die Ausstellungen Haus der Geschichte bieten Vergangenheit zum Anfassen, © Stiftung Haus der Geschichte, Axel Thünker

Haus der Geschichte in Bonn

Ad­e­nauer’s Mer­cedes, a cinema from the 1950s and a rail­way car – the Bonn mu­seum makes Ger­man his­tory an ex­per­i­ence. The in­sti­tute ad­dresses con­tem­por­ary top­ics in one area of the per­man­ent ex­hib­i­tion. Vis­it­ors can learn more about glob­al­isa­tion, mi­gra­tion and di­git­al­isa­tion.

Ansicht auf das Schokoladenmuseum, © Schokoladenmuseum Köln

Chocol­ate Mu­seum Co­logne

Co­lognes mu­seum not only of­fers his­tory, but also de­li­cious samples of the pop­u­lar sweet. 200 kilo­gramme chocol­ate con­stantly flows in the three metre high foun­tain for you to taste. At chocol­ate-praline classes there are no lim­its to the ima­gin­a­tion.

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Ludwig Forum Aachen, Außenansicht, © Foto: Carl Brunn

Lud­wig For­um für In­ter­na­tionale Kunst in Aachen

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Das LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn ist eines der ältesten Museen Deutschlands. Seine Fassade strahlt Modernität aus, © LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn

LVR-Landes­Mu­seum Bonn

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The Julia Stoschek Collection is both an art archive and a space for social reflection, © Foto: Simon Vogel, Köln

The Ju­lia Stoschek Col­lec­tion

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LVR-Römermuseum in Xanten, Außenansicht bei Nacht, © Axel Thuenker DGPh

LVR Ro­man Mu­seum in Xanten

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Besuch im Hof, © ourismus & Congress GmbH Region Bonn  Rhein-Seig  Ahrweiler

Beeth­oven-Haus in Bonn

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Der Neubau des Kunstmuseums Bonn stammt von dem Berliner Architekten Axel Schultes. Er wurde 1992 eröffnet, © Kunstmuseum Bonn, Foto: David Ertl

Kun­st­mu­seum Bonn

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Ausblick auf das alte Dorf, © Foto Sabine König

Ber­gisch Open-Air Mu­seum Lind­lar

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Xanten, APX, Fundamente des römischen Stadtbades, © Axel Thuenker dgph

Ar­chae­olo­gic­al Park Xanten

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Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Bereich Begegnung und Aneignung: Grenzüberschreitungen, © Martin Classen und Arno Jansen

Rauten­strauch-Joest Mu­seum in Co­logne

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The Ruhr Museum at the Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen, © Thomas Willemsen

Ruhr Mu­seum at the Zollver­ein World Her­it­age Site in Es­sen

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