Nordkirchen Park Münsterland Castle, © Johannes Höhn

Parks and Gar­dens in NRW

Castles and roy­al res­id­ences sur­roun­ded by ex­cep­tion­al land­scap­ing

In NRW, the gar­dens of baroque castles, the parks of majest­ic roy­al res­id­ences and the green oases of garden­ing ex­hib­i­tions from the past of­fer ample op­por­tun­ity for pleas­ant strolls. Every re­gion of NRW has its own ex­ample of out­stand­ing land­scape ar­chi­tec­ture or garden design. More un­usu­al and exot­ic sur­prises also await, in­clud­ing a botan­ic­al garden with a 1.80 metre-high flower­ing plant, sculp­ture parks and ori­ent­al gar­dens.

An­holt Castle and Park An­holt


The castle is deemed one of the most beau­ti­ful moated castles in the Mün­ster­land. The main castle has out­stand­ing art col­lec­tions wait­ing to be dis­covered by its vis­it­ors. The out­door area beck­ons to take a stroll through the baroque gar­dens and the sprawl­ing Eng­lish land­scape park.

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Ar­chae­olo­gic­al Park Xanten


The Archäo­lo­gis­cher Park Xanten (APX) in­vites vis­it­ors to an ex­cur­sion in­to four cen­tur­ies of Ro­man his­tory of Xanten. Ger­many’s largest ar­chae­olo­gic­al out­door mu­seum is perched on the premises of the Ro­man city of Co­lo­nia Ulpia Trai­ana.

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Ben­rath Palace and Castle Park Düs­sel­dorf

A mag­ni­fi­cent build­ing with a pleas­ure palace, hunt­ing park, ponds and canals

The ‘Kö’ (König­sallee) is not the only place to find pomp in Düs­sel­dorf: Schloss Ben­rath is con­sidered to be the most im­port­ant ar­chi­tec­tur­al syn­thes­is of the arts in the state cap­it­al. Every room in the palace faces out onto the gar­dens. The im­pos­ing palace park serves as a ven­ue for en­ter­tain­ment events.

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Gruga­park in Es­sen

Es­sen’s year-round garden

Re­cov­ery and ex­per­i­ence, nature and cul­ture, sport­ing op­por­tun­it­ies and pic­nic or bar­be­cue sites – all of that can be found year-round in Es­sen’s most beau­ti­ful park.

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Hom­burg Castle Nüm­brecht

The Baroque jew­el of Ber­gisches Land

Em­bark on a jour­ney through his­tory, from the 11th cen­tury to the present day. Schloss Hom­burg is a place steeped in his­tory where vis­it­ors can learn so much about de­vel­op­ment and change, and not just at the mu­seum of the Up­per Bav­ari­an dis­trict.

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Moy­land Castle in Bed­burg-Hau

A Lower Rhine Mecca for fans of Beuys

Since its res­tor­a­tion in the 1990s the neo-goth­ic wa­ter castle is a sig­ni­fic­ant mu­seum for mod­ern and con­tem­por­ary art. Be­sides oth­ers the found­a­tion mu­seum Schloss Moy­land pos­sesses the world’s largest col­lec­tion of art works from Joseph Beuys and is a re­search centre of in­ter­na­tion­al de­gree. Moreover his­tor­ic­al gar­dens stretch around the castle at the Lower Rhine.

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Nordkirchen Castle Nordkirchen

The Ver­sailles of NRW

The park is one of the most beau­ti­ful gar­dens in Europe and, to­geth­er with the mag­ni­fi­cent palace, is known in Mün­ster­land as the “West­phali­an Ver­sailles”. Vis­it­ors can ad­mire the op­u­lent stucco work, won­der­ful ceil­ing paint­ings and fine wood carving.

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Schloss Broi­ch in Mül­heim

The old­est late Car­oling­i­an castle com­plex in the Ger­man-speak­ing area

A lot has happened since the ori­gin­al com­plex was built in the 9th cen­tury. The most im­port­ant sec­u­lar ar­chi­tec­tur­al monu­ment in the city of Mül­heim was the res­id­en­ce of dozens of ar­is­to­crats. These in­cluded the later Prus­si­an Queen Lu­ise, who spent a num­ber of years at the castle in her youth. Today, a room in the his­tor­ic­al mu­seum is ded­ic­ated to her.

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Schloss Burg in Solin­gen

Cul­tur­al site, ex­per­i­ence des­tin­a­tion and land­mark

The high castle in the Ber­gisches Land awaits with a unique, pan­or­amic view. Us­ing an App, vis­it­ors can ex­plore the mu­seum and the oth­er rooms of the castle. It is easy to get to by chairlift. Events such as open air con­certs and joust­ing tour­na­ments, which take place all year round, in­vite you to stay a while.

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Schloss Dyck Jüchen

Eng­lish in­spir­a­tion sur­roun­ded by wa­ter

The park, with its old trees, still looks just as it did in the 19th cen­tury. At the same time, as an in­ter­na­tion­al centre for garden art, Schloss Dyck’s latest de­vel­op­ments have a lot to of­fer.

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