Altenberg Cathedral in the region Bergisches Land, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ber­gisches Land

A para­dise for walk­ers and ro­mantics

Whether on foot or by bicycle – visitors can experience nature in the Bergisches Land in many different ways. One-day and multi-day tours run throughout the entire region and reward hikers with breathtaking, far-reaching views. The Bergischen Streifzüge (Bergisch Scout Trails) are 24 shorter routes where hikers can delve deep into Bergisch traditions and history.

Panarbora nature discovery park, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ex­per­i­ences of Nature

Ex­per­i­ences of Nature

One very special highlight is Panarbora Nature Discovery Park. Here, nature lovers can take a walk through the treetops along the 1,636 metre long treetop path at a height of 34 metres.

It’s hard to believe, but anyone cycling through the Bergisches Land region can do so quite comfortably without having to climb any big hills. This is made possible by the railway line routes such as the Bergische Panorama-Radweg (Bergisch Panorama Cycle Trail) and the Balkantrasse. As the region with the most valley reservoirs in Europe, the many valley reservoirs are also wonderful to cycle by - and are also open to watersport enthusiasts.

Like the valley reservoirs, the timber-framed and slate houses are just as typical of the region and are still to be found in many villages and small towns.

And anyone who wishes to try typical Bergisch cuisine simply has to try the Bergische Kaffeetafel (coffee and snacks). It is served at numerous cafés and restaurants in the region.

  • Lindlar open-air museum in the Bergisches Land region, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Detailed view of half-timbered house in Hückeswagen, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Altenberg Cathedral in the region Bergisches Land, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
  • Panarbora Nature Experience Park, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Castle Blankenberg in Hennef in the region Bergisches Land, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Lindlar open-air museum in the Bergisches Land region, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

More in­form­a­tion

Discover it now!

Hik­ing, cyc­ling & well­ness

Dis­cov­er­ies in the re­gion Ber­gisches Land

Bruchertalsperre, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Wa­ter Quin­tet Cycle Path

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Der Landweg ist einer der Bergischen Streifzüge, © Das Bergische GmbH

Ber­gisch Wan­der­ings

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Kartenlesen bei der Wanderung, © Uwe Völkner - Fotoagentur FOX

Ber­gisch Pan­or­ama Trail

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Aggertalsperre im Bergischen, © Maren Pussak Das Bergische

Ber­gis­cher Pan­or­ama cycle route

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Bergisch Trail, © Das Bergische gGmbH

Ber­gisch Trail

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Cul­ture, shop­ping & events

Dis­cov­er­ies in the re­gion Ber­gisches Land

Ausblick auf das alte Dorf, © Foto Sabine König

Ber­gisch Open-Air Mu­seum Lind­lar

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Luftaufnahme Schloss Homburg, © Joachim Gies

Hom­burg Castle Nüm­brecht

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