Union Quarter Dortmund Graffiti, © Johannes Höhn

Urb­an sur­prises

Dis­cov­er cit­ies (anew)

A jour­ney of dis­cov­ery

Un­usu­al res­taur­ants, street art and streets that are far too good to pass up. In nu­mer­ous cit­ies in North Rhine-West­phalia, urb­an sur­prises can be found around the next corner.

Street Art Düsseldorf: Mural on Merowingerstraße, © Johannes Höhn; Artists: Klaus Klinger, Majo Brothers

Amaz­ing street art

Our ad­vice for street-art tours in Düs­sel­dorf, Co­logne, Pader­born, and Dortmund war­rant some in­ter­est­ing pieces of art, urb­an photo motives, and dis­cov­er­ies in some less­er-known corners of these cit­ies.

Blaues Büdchen Duisburg, © Reinaldo Coddou

Un­der­rated cit­ies

Duis­burg, Mönchenglad­bach, or Pader­born are prob­ably not found at the very top of your buck­et list for your next city trip. Why not, though? Col­our­ful street art on the mon­as­tery wall, har­bour walks through wind­ing al­leys, or city tours sup­por­ted by aug­men­ted real­ity – let us show you which cit­ies in North Rhine-West­phalia are still un­dis­covered but have a few urb­an sur­prises in store for you.

Das Restaurant "Glück und Seligkeit" in Bielefeld ist in einer früheren Kirche untergebracht., © glückundseligkeit.de

Un­usu­al gast­ro­nomy

We’ve com­piled a list of the most un­usu­al gast­ro­nom­ic ex­per­i­ences in Your NRW - in spec­tac­u­lar loc­a­tions and with very spe­cial gast­ro­nom­ic con­cepts and culin­ary of­fers.

Facades Merowingerstraße, Cologne, © Johannes Höhn

Lov­able, lively streets

We can­not simply walk through these streets: With their very in­di­vidu­al pe­cu­li­ar­it­ies, they have conquered our hearts - so that we would prefer to stay forever.

Wahner Heide, Köln, © Frank Mertens, frankmphotography

Green oases in the city

City and nature of­ten are quite close to­geth­er in North Rhine-West­phalia. At times, some prop­er green oases can be found even right in the middle of bust­ling cit­ies and large met­ro­pol­ises, beck­on­ing to re­lax and un­wind, to go for a walk, or to re­cline and ob­serve an­im­als or take pic­tures. Just let your mind wander – the closest green oas­is of­ten is merely a stone’s throw away.