Arrival by train Cologne main station ICE, © Deutsche Bahn AG, Christian Bedeschinski

Ar­riv­ing by train

Com­fort­able jour­ney through NRW

More than 30 IC, EC and ICE rail­way sta­tions along with a well-co­ordin­ated loc­al pub­lic trans­port net­work all en­sure a com­fort­able jour­ney. Rail trav­el­lers from Bri­tain can make it from Lon­don to Co­logne in five hours: firstly with the Eurostar to Brus­sels, and then on­wards with the ICE to Co­logne.

Passengers flying to an airport in NRW and travelling onwards by train will reach their destination quickly thanks to the densest rail network in Germany. More than 30 IC, EC and ICE railway stations along with a well-coordinated local public transport network all ensure a comfortable journey. Rail travellers from Britain can make it from London to Cologne in five hours: firstly with the Eurostar to Brussels, and then onwards with the ICE to Cologne.

When they arrive, tourists can easily see all the sights by taking the train. Regionally valid tickets like the “SchönerTagTicket” offer a good-value way to discover several places in one day. Couples, families and solo travellers can spend an entire day criss-crossing NRW on a single fixed-price ticket. Alternatively, you can use the Deutschland-Ticket (D-Ticket), which is valid nationwide on all means of public transport and costs 49 euros per month.

Cent­rally loc­ated in the Heart of Europe

North Rhine-West­phalia is loc­ated at the heart of Europe. The re­gion’s great con­nec­tion by flights to the six in­ter­na­tion­al air­ports is re­flec­ted in our in­ter­act­ive map. The two but­tons at the up­per left dir­ectly show flight and train con­nec­tions to im­port­ant European met­ro­pol­ises. Just click the re­spect­ive city. No mat­ter where you’re go­ing – NRW is al­ways along the way!