Außenansicht des Keramion in Frechen, © Rhein-Erft Tourismus e.V.

Bar­ri­er-free ex­per­i­ences in Co­logne & the Rhine-Erft County

For cul­ture fans and nature lov­ers

Wheth­er its ex­hib­i­tions, cab­aret or theatre – cul­ture fans really get their money’s worth in Rhine-Erft County. And any­one who is in­ter­ested in ar­chi­tec­ture should take the op­por­tun­ity to vis­it two struc­tures in the re­gion: Co­logne Cathed­ral, which is a Un­esco World Her­it­age site, and the Au­gus­tus­burg and its Falken­lust Palaces.

Rhine-Erft County is characterised by contrasts: The Rhine metropolis of Cologne with its landmark, Cologne Cathedral, is the most populated city in NRW. Here, visitors encounter Rhineland lust for life, art, culture and shopping miles. Anyone who prefers things a little quieter can explore the region around the Rhine and Erft by bicycle or on foot.

Fortresses, castles and mills

Rhine-Erft County is the region with the most moated castles in Germany. Visitors can explore more than 50 palaces, castles and manors – including the Unesco World Heritage site Augustusburg and Falkenlust Palaces in Brühl. The parks around the castles are often particularly impressive too. Many of them are part of the “Straße der Gartenkunst” (Garden Art Road) in NRW.

Museums in the region

Numerous museums ranging from ancient times to the modern age attract those interested in culture. One of the region’s famous sons is Max Ernst: The Max Ernst Museum des LVR is dedicated to the Dadaist and Surrealist born in Brühl. It shows an overview of his paintings, collages, graphics and sculptures. Anyone who is interested in ceramics will find lots of interesting information on the tradition of Bartmann jugs and unique contemporary ceramics at the Keramion centre for modern and historical ceramics in Frechen.

The offerings below are certified by “Reisen für Alle” (Travel for All) and offer tips for your holiday in Rhine-Erft County.

Further information on Rhine-Erft County can be found at:

Images and videos

Be inspired: images of your NRW

Sehbehinderte Kinder töpfern, © KERAMION
Außenansicht des Keramion in Frechen, © Rhein-Erft Tourismus e.V.
Außenansicht des Keramion in Frechen, © Hans- Theo Gerhards / Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR.jpg
MEDIO.RHEIN.ERFT in Bergheim, © Olaf Pechan
Ansicht auf das Schloss Augustusburg, © Rhein-Erft Tourismus e.V. / photo Horst Gummersbach
Blick auf den Kölner Dom, © Udo Haake, KölnTourismus GmbH
Luftbild von dem Schloss Gracht, © WFG Erftstadt

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