Jungletiere beim Straßenmalwettbewerb, © Stadt Geldern

In­ter­na­tion­al Street Paint­ing Com­pet­i­tion in Geld­ern

A busk­ing com­pet­i­tion com­ple­ments the world's largest street art event

Where you can en­counter art­work with your own two feet: at street paint­ing com­pet­i­tion on the Lower Rhine, more than 500 street artists com­pete in cre­at­ive urb­an design

The street painting competition in Geldern in the Lower Rhine  looks back on a long history: for the city’s 750th anniversary in 1979, around 60 street painters came together to artistically enhance the cityscape. It is on the basis of this that the world’s largest event of its kind has developed to date: between 500 and 600 international street painters come together each year towards the end of the summer holidays to transform the city centre into a large, open-air gallery. The great skill of the artists is particularly reflected in the three-dimensional representations.

The best of the best must prove themselves every year in the "Master Class". There a jury of experts determines who the most talented, creative, and technically skilled street painter is and rewards them with a handsome prize. However, visitors to the street painting competition also hold decision-making power: each year, an audience prize is awarded, honouring the painting most popular with visitors.

For several years, the international street painting competition has been complemented by the busking competition. The Saturday evening of the competition traditionally ends with a music festival at the marketplace. It is here the ceremony takes place the following Sunday, accompanied, of course, by a musical programme.

And even after the competition has ended, the creative street paintings remain for citizens and visitors of Geldern to enjoy for a while to come: as the paintings are sealed using a special fixing agent, for several weeks the city centre remains the only street art gallery in the world where the art can literally be trampled on – in the most positive sense, of course.

Dates: 17 - 18 august 2024



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Images and videos

Be inspired: images of your NRW

Kunst am Boden, © Stadt Geldern
Vorbereitung für das kommende Kunstwerk, © Stadt Geldern
3D Kunst am Boden, © Stadt Geldern
Künsterlin arbeitet konzentriert, © Stadt Geldern
Jungletiere beim Straßenmalwettbewerb, © Stadt Geldern

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