View of the rursee in the Eifel in Nideggen, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Long­ing for wa­ter

Ma­gic­al mo­ments by the wa­ter and on gentle waves

Blue won­der

Wheth­er it's a river, lake or dam - we are ma­gic­ally drawn to wa­ter. In NRW, there are not only many beau­ti­ful places to sit by the wa­ter and send your thoughts on a jour­ney, but also vari­ous op­por­tun­it­ies to ac­tu­ally set sail.

Obersee Einruhe Sauerland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Un­usu­al reser­voirs and out­door pools

Just re­lax, jump in­to the cool wa­ter every so of­ten and just chill out. In sum­mer, bathing lakes are simply un­beat­able when it comes to es­cap­ing the heat.

Surfer in Action in the water ski facility "Surf Langenfeld", © Johannes Höhn

Ac­tion on the wa­ter

Wa­ter ski, wake­board, stand-up paddle, in­flat­able boat, or ca­noe: the rivers and lakes in NRW of­fer wa­ter sports for any mood and taste, be it rap­id or calm, with many views or ex­traordin­ary en­ergy. One op­tion is blob­bing at lake Bigge­see.

Kanzelbrücke über dem Möhnesee, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

River Cycle Paths

Routes full of high­lights, but mostly flat With the Ruhr, Rhine, Lippe, Lenne, or Sieg, rivers of all sizes shape the land­scape along their banks in NRW in dif­fer­ent ways. Those fol­low­ing them by bike from source to mouth will ex­per­i­ence nature, his­tory, and plenty of cyc­ling fun with little gradi­ent.
Discover more cycling paths!

Cooling - the Aggertalsperre in the Bergische Land., © @theolator

Dams in the Ber­gisches Land

Twelve dams in the Ber­gisches Land not only provide good drink­ing wa­ter, but also the best ex­cur­sion op­por­tun­it­ies – and a re­cord to boot: No oth­er re­gion in Europe has this many reser­voirs to of­fer on such a small area.

Rhine Cycle Route NRW , © Ralph Sondermann, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Ex­cur­sions on the Rhine

On foot, by bike, in a cable-car or by don­key-ride – choose your way to dis­cov­er the de­lights of the Rhine.