Nordkirchen Park Münsterland Castle, © Johannes Höhn

Parks and Gar­dens in NRW

Castles and roy­al res­id­ences sur­roun­ded by ex­cep­tion­al land­scap­ing

In NRW, the gar­dens of baroque castles, the parks of majest­ic roy­al res­id­ences and the green oases of garden­ing ex­hib­i­tions from the past of­fer ample op­por­tun­ity for pleas­ant strolls. Every re­gion of NRW has its own ex­ample of out­stand­ing land­scape ar­chi­tec­ture or garden design. More un­usu­al and exot­ic sur­prises also await, in­clud­ing a botan­ic­al garden with a 1.80 metre-high flower­ing plant, sculp­ture parks and ori­ent­al gar­dens.

Spar­ren­burg Biele­feld

The most fam­ous castle in the Teuto­burg Forest

Ex­per­i­ence me­di­ev­al ad­ven­ture and en­joy the mag­ni­fi­cent views: Spar­ren­burg Castle sits en­throned high above Biele­feld and of­fers a won­der­ful view of the Teuto­burg Forest. Parts of the build­ing, such as the stone walls and dun­geons, tell stor­ies from an­oth­er time. Vis­it­ors can learn more about the lives of its former res­id­ents on guided tours.

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