Bird's eye view of Kö-Bogen 2 and Dreischeibenhaus in Düsseldorf, © Johannes Höhn

Cli­mate-cent­ric ex­cur­sion

In­ter­act­ive, in­form­at­ive and ex­tremely var­ied

Weeks of rain while heat waves are raging elsewhere, or t-shirt temperatures in winter while other places are dealing with arctic cold – is it just unlucky weather, or is it a consequence of climate change? What makes the difference and, most of all: what can we do about it? North Rhine-Westphalia has various destinations offering information and inspiration: museums have exhibitions and mediation offerings on the subject, a guided city tour presents places and monuments that improve town climate, and an app draws attention to specific climate changes in the forest on some family hiking routes.

Autumn hike on the Velmerstot Route in the Teutoburg Forest, © Johannes Höhn

Cli­mate ex­per­i­ence in the Teuto­burg Forest

Tip 1

Climate-related influences have always been clearly evident in the nature park of the Teutoburg Forest/Eggegebirge, where the Atlantic climate zone borders the continental one. A new app is now guiding users through nature on family-compatible paths while playfully teaching about visible evidence of human-made climate change using augmented reality. The “Wald und Klima” (Forest and Climate) app offers two routes at this point. Additional ones are to be added in future.

A new exhibition site to make climate change and ways of adapting to it particularly tangible, the “Klimaerlebniswelt“ in Oerlinghausen, has opened in the region as well. Recycling and sustainability are very important for its construction, while its content is dealing with the background, consequences, and specific options for action around the complex subject of climate change.

Kö-Bogen 2 drone shot, © Johannes Höhn

Cli­mate walk in Düs­sel­dorf

Tip 2

What adaptations can cities use to deal with climate change? A guided tour in NRW’s state capital provides answers and presents some examples: the tour “Klima (wandeln) in Düsseldorf” (Climate Change Stroll in Düsseldorf) takes about two hours as it leads past sights, reports about town history, and shows some specific ways of reacting to climate change, e.g., by planting of contemporary trees, cooling water surfaces, or buildings such as the Kö-Bogen 2, sporting Europe’s largest planted façade.


Energeticon Alsdorf, © Dominik Ketz

En­er­geticon il­lu­min­ates the con­ver­sion to re­new­able en­er­gies

Tip 3

The conversion from fossil fuels to renewable energies is at the focus of this experience museum in Alsdorf near Aachen. The multi-layered Energeticon exhibition illustrates the factors that require the change towards renewable energies, and ways to make it succeed, on the premises of the former Grube Anna II. Some options include energy generation from wind, water, solar power, and biomass. Visitors can use the 30 interactive learning stations to try, tinker, and work out. For example, they can take a turn on the wind bicycle, producing energy to move on their own, or learn about smart power grids.

  • Walker in the Hofgarten Düsseldorf, © Johannes Höhn
    Königsallee in Düsseldorf, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Kö-Bogen 2 Düsseldorf: Detail beech hedge, © Johannes Höhn
  • The Silberbach Valley in the Teutoburg Forest, © Johannes Höhn
    The Oberhausen Gasometer is in close proximity to the Westfield Centro, the Ludwig Gallery at Schloss Oberhausen and the Rhine-Herne Canal, © Gasometer Oberhausen, Dirk Böttger
    The fragile paradise: Large-format photographs send visitors on a mental journey, © Gasometer Oberhausen, Dirk Böttger

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