Two cyclists on the Rhine cycle path , © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Top-Products - Cyc­ling

There are plenty of sights to be seen dir­ectly from the cycle paths.

Wheth­er castles, Rhine idyll or in­dus­tri­al cul­ture - with our bike paths you ex­per­i­ence NRW at its best.


Al­most 1,000 kilo­metres of cycle path through ro­mantic Mün­ster­land

Ro­mant­ic strong­holds and im­pos­ing stately homes: Cyc­lists can ex­per­i­en­ce the re­gion’s mag­ni­fi­cent ar­chi­tec­ture on Mün­ster­länd’s 100-Castles-Route.

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Rhine Cycle Route

Go with the flow

A jour­ney through ro­mant­ic land­scapes and Rhine met­ro­pol­ises: the most ex­cit­ing stretch of the 1,320-kilo­metre Rhine Cycle Route runs through NRW.

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Ruhr Val­ley Cycle Path

From idyll­ic land­scapes to in­dus­tri­al her­it­age

From in­dus­tri­al her­it­age and vi­brant cit­ies to idyll­ic nature and half-timbered houses: the Ruhr Val­ley Cycle Path passes many dif­fer­ent towns on its way through Sauer­land and the Ruhr Area.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Sauer­land Cycle Cir­cuit

Cyc­ling through Sauer­land on dis­used rail­way lines

Cyc­ling on dis­used rail­way lines through the “Land of 1000 Moun­tains”. A wealth of at­trac­tions await act­ive cyc­lists on this cir­cu­lar route.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Three Rivers Tour

Met­ro­pol­it­an flair, tran­quil coun­tryside and his­tor­ic vil­lages

This cir­cu­lar cycle route not only con­nects the Rhine, Ahr and Erft rivers, it also jux­ta­poses large cit­ies with his­tor­ic vil­lages, and Ro-man re­mains with knight’s castles.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Ven­n­bahn Cycle Route

A jour­ney through three coun­tries on old rail­way lines

The rail­way line that once trans­por­ted coal and iron ore from Aachen to Lux­em­bourg now provides a mainly flat route for leis­urely cyc­ling.

Level of difficulty: easy

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