Quarry Schlupkothen, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Düs­sel­dorf and Nean­der­land

Art, fash­ion, life­style – and Neander­thals

Here, modern life meets stone age culture: The art and fashion metropolis of Düsseldorf is not far from the Neandertal valley, where the museums tell its history. In the cosmopolitan metropolis, art, fashion and lifestyle meld with Rhineland zest for life to create an exciting mix. The cultural diversity of the Rhine metropolis is also shown in its exhibitions: from the carnival, steeped in tradition, with carnival speeches and Funkenmariechen dancers, to Japan Day, a wide range of diverse cultural highlights take place in Düsseldorf.

NRW Forum Düsseldorf, © Düsseldorf Tourismus, U.Otte

Trendy city dis­trict and renowned mu­seums

An authentic experience of Düsseldorf can be had on a tour of the old town, where an Altbier (German dark beer) in one of the rustic pubs at the "longest bar in the world" is a must. A shopping trip to the famous Königsallee or a walk along the Rhine promenade are all part of a visit to the state capital. The city shows its young, creative side in the trendy Flingern district, where many small fashion boutiques, cafés and galleries have made their home.

In addition to more than a hundred small and large galleries, Düsseldorf also offers visitors an array of art that is unparalleled throughout NRW with its large museums: With Kunstsammlung NRW and Museum Kunstpalast, two internationally renowned museums have found their home in Düsseldorf.

Neandertal, Erkrath, © Jörg Kammel, Tourismus NRW e.V.

Stone Age Art in the Neander­tal

Visitors to the region around Düsseldorf can discover art and crafts from much earlier times: The Mettmann district, which borders Düsseldorf to the east, is also known as Neanderland. in the mid-19th century, the 42,000 year old skeleton of a prehistoric man was discovered in Neandertal - the Neanderthal man. The Neanderthal Museum in Mettmann is dedicated to this special ancestor to humans and explains everything worth knowing about the Neanderthal man and the evolution of modern humans. The most famous hiking trail in the region also runs right past Neandertal: The Neanderland Steig.

  • View of the Düsseldorf Media Harbor including the Rhine Tower, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Die Abendsonne am Burgplatz in Düsseldorf genießen, © Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus GmbH
    Street Art Düsseldorf, © Johannes Höhn, artist Pixel Pancho
  • Wild horses, neanderland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Vogelperspektive des Sees und Waldes im Steinbruch Schlupkothen im neanderland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.
    Frontal view of the Wahnenmühle in Neanderland, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

More In­form­a­tion

Discover it now!

Hik­ing, cyc­ling & well­ness

Dis­cov­er­ies in the re­gion Düs­sel­dorf & Nean­der­land

The river at the Neanderland Steig trail, © Kreis Mettmann Martina Chardin

Nean­der­land Steig Trail

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Cul­ture, shop­ping & events

Dis­cov­er­ies in the re­gion Düs­sel­dorf & Nean­der­land

Shopping on the Königsallee in Düsseldorf, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

König­sallee: lux­ury shop­ping in Düs­sel­dorf

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Street Art by the artists Majabrothers, Ben Mathis and the Föns Crew in Kiefernstrasse in Düsseldorf., © Johannes Höhn


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In dem Museum Kunstsammlung NRW, © Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus GmbH

Kun­st­sammlung NRW in Düs­sel­dorf

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Das Düsseldorfer Schloss Benrath wurde 1775 erbaut, © Stiftung Schloss und Park Benrath

Ben­rath Palace and Castle Park Düs­sel­dorf

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Skulpturenpfade im Kreis Mettmann Kunstwege, © Stadt Heiligenhaus

Trails of art in Nean­der­land

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