The Ruhr area in North Rhine-Westphalia is the go-to-spot for lovers of nature, hiking and art! In this area you can find eight mountains - they are called “Halden”- where you can find truly unique art on top. As part of my Destination Challenges in North Rhine-Westphalia, I had to find three of these “Halden”.
- Bjorn Troch / The Social Traveler
- Bjorn Troch / The Social Traveler
- Bjorn Troch / The Social Traveler
- Bjorn Troch / The Social Traveler
Tiger and Turtle
The first Halde I found was the “Tiger and Turtle”. This was by far the most unique construction I saw. It looks like a rollercoaster, but without the ride that usually goes along with it. This “rollercoaster” is made for pedestrians, and you can walk all the way up on the steps, until you meet the hastle called gravity. Either way, this construction makes for a very unique sight!
The most stylish addition to one of the three Halden I found was the “Tetraeder”. This construction looks like a giant triangle and you can climb it almost all the way to the top. This is quite the challenge for the faint of hearts: You can feel the construction moving along with the wind while climbing it and the stairs are see-through all the way. This is a magnificent piece of art that would definitely feel at home at a festival like Burning Man!
Halde Rheinelbe
Halde Rheinelbe in Gelsenkirche was not my favourite construction-wise – it’s basically a pile of stones on top of a mountain. But the thing that makes this artwork a great find is the road leading to it: You have to walk through a forest to get all the way to the top of the Halde. And though the artwork itself didn’t exactly nurture my art-loving soul: the view from the top of the Halde was amazing!
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