Köln, Dom, Außenbau, Dachbereich, Innenraum mit Schwerpunkt Fußboden und Fußbodenmosaik, © Johannes Höhn
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A place of de­vo­tion

Clas­sic­al con­certs at Co­logne Cathed­ral

Over and over again, Hallelujah! “For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Halleluja!” In Cologne Cathedral, the final chorus of Handel’s Messiah rings out. Goosebumps are widespread. The notes sound so bright and clear. The location where the singing praises the Lord is so impressive: One of the most beautiful and biggest Gothic cathedrals in the world. Every year the cathedral attracts millions of people who feel a sense of reverence and find peace as well as the mortal remains of the Three Magi – a true piece of human heritage. This unique atmosphere can only be amplified by music. Choral and organ concerts regularly take place in the reliquary and the central nave of the cathedral. Then the music fills this enormous space and moves the heart.

Bells ringing high above Cologne

The number of steps to be overcome to reach the south tower’s vantage platform totals an impressive 533. There’s no lift at all. At the end of their climb to a height of 97 metres, however, visitors will be rewarded with a panoramic view of Cologne and the river Rhine. The world’s largest and best-known freely suspended church bell can be found up here as well. Rung only on eleven specific holidays, its sound is music to the audience’s ears. Anyone who wants to experience it up close can sign up to hear the bell ringing right there. Of course, they’ll be wearing hearing protection for this perfectly unique experience.

Check out the matching playlist: 

  • Cologne Cathedral, © Johannes Höhn
    Köln, Dom, Außenbau, Dachbereich, Innenraum mit Schwerpunkt Fußboden und Fußbodenmosaik, © Johannes Höhn
    Köln, Dom, Außenbau, Dachbereich, Innenraum mit Schwerpunkt Fußboden und Fußbodenmosaik, © Johannes Höhn
  • Köln, Dom, Außenbau, Dachbereich, Innenraum mit Schwerpunkt Fußboden und Fußbodenmosaik, © Johannes Höhn
    Blick auf Kölner Kranhäuser, © Johannes Höhn
    Köln, Dom, Außenbau, Dachbereich, Innenraum mit Schwerpunkt Fußboden und Fußbodenmosaik
, © Johannes Höhn
  • View into the Mendelsohn hal from the Tonhalle Düsseldorf, © Johannes Höhn
    Eu­phor­ic at Ton­halle Düs­sel­dorf
  • Gronau rock'n'popmuseum entrance, © Johannes Höhn
    Nos­tal­gic at the rock’n’pop­mu­seum
  • Beethoven monument "Münsterplatz Bonn", © Johannes Höhn
    Moved at the Beeth­oven House
  • Landscape Park Duisburg, Ruhrgebiet, © Johannes Höhn
    En­er­get­ic at the Land­scape Park Duis­burg
  • Haldern Pop Bar in Rees am Niederrhein, © Johannes Höhn
    Cheer­ful at Haldern Pop Bar
Illuminations in the Balver cave in the Sauerland, © Johannes Höhn
    En­chanted in the Balve Cave
Baroque staircase from Augustusburg Palace, © Johannes Höhn
    Over­wehlmed at Au­gus­tus­burg Palace
  • View of the control panel in the Jugendstil-Wasserkraftwerk Heimbach, © Johannes Höhn
    Ec­stat­ic at the Heim­bach power plant
  • Exhibition hall in the Waldfrieden sculpture park, © Johannes Höhn
    Amazed by Wald­frieden Sculp­ture Park
  • Organ in Altenberg Cathedral, © Johannes Höhn
    En­rap­tured by Al­ten­berg Cath­d­ral
  • Berleburg Palace in Bad Berleburg, © Johannes Höhn
    En­nobled at Ber­le­burg Palace
  • Beverage bar in the Salon des Amateurs in Düsseldorf, © Johannes Höhn
    Chilled at Salon des Am­a­teurs in Düs­sel­dorf
University of Music in Detmold, © Johannes Höhn
    En­thu­si­ast­ic in the Uni­ver­sity of Mu­sic in Det­mold