Hiking Urfttalsperre, © Dominik Ketz, Tourismus NRW e.V.

In­sider tips - Hik­ing

Hik­ing can be so won­der­ful!

Dis­cov­er new places away from the well-trod­den paths with our in­sider hik­ing tips. There are many hid­den gems that are still re­l­at­ively un­known among the many hik­ing routes in North Rhine-West­phalia. We’d like to in­tro­duce them to you!

When nature wakes up from its winter hibernation, it is high time to lace up your shoes and enjoy the fresh air. Hikers in North Rhine-Westphalia have over 50,000 kilometres of well-managed hiking paths to choose from, with new offers being added every year. Away from the Eifelsteig and Rheinsteig trails, you’ll find exciting insider tips for hikes in Your NRW.

Hiking and relaxation

One very special experience is yoga hiking. There are several opportunities available in Your NRW, such as the three yoga hiking routes in Bad Meinberg in the Teutoburg Forest. Panels have been set up for hikers in places with particularly spectacular views, showing simple yoga exercises. But the routes are beautiful even without yoga breaks, leading past a baroque spa park and through the moor region where the medicinal Meinberg sulphurous moor mud is collected.


Anyone who wants to try out more yoga after their yoga hike can pay a visit to the Haus Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, the largest seminar and training centre of its kind outside India, with a range of offers that are unique in Europe.
For fans of healthy living, the “Vitalwanderwelt” vitality wonderworld in the Teutoburg Forest is also well worth discovering. Here, physiotherapists or specially trained hiking tour guides accompany the guests and show them movement and relaxation exercises at specially arranged points along the way. Thanks to telemedicine, anyone who wishes to can also stay in contact with their doctor during the hike.


Way of St. James

On his­tor­ic pil­grim­age routes through Mün­ster­land

Even hun­dreds of years ago pil­grims were cross­ing what is now NRW on the way to San­ti­ago de Com­postela. One of these his­tor­ic­al routes passes through Mün­ster­land.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Ber­gisch Wan­der­ings

One-day ex­ped­i­tions

Forest myths, half-timbered houses and Hein­rich Böll: the Ber­gis­che Streifzüge (Ber­gisch Wan­der­ings) trails of­fer 25 half- and full-day themed tours.

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Kindels­berg Trail

A cir­cuit of­fer­ing ex­cep­tion­al views and his­tor­ic­al in­sights

The Kindels­ber­g­p­fad (Kindels­berg Trail) in Sieger­land-Wit­tgen­stein com­bines idyll­ic nature with in­form­a­tion on the re­gion’s min­ing his­tory.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Trails of art in Nean­der­land

Sculp­tures paths and art trails in the Mettmann dis­trict

Wheth­er Neander­th­al sil­hou­ettes or mutant an­im­als, the Mettmann dis­trict of­fers plenty of art in pub­lic spaces.

Level of difficulty: easy

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Hanseat­ic Trail

Pan­or­amic views and salt wa­ter springs on a hike through the Teuto­burg Forest

Pan­or­amic views, salt wa­ter springs and Marta Her­ford: the Hanseat­ic Trail in the Teuto­burg Forest of­fers hik­ing with plenty of nature, re­lax­a­tion and cul­tur­al high­lights.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Ro­man Canal Hik­ing Trail

Fol­low­ing the foot­steps of the Ro­mans from the Eifel to Co­logne

Where the Ro­mans once dir­ec­ted fresh wa­ter from the Eifel moun­tains to Co­logne, tour­ists and walk­ers can now mar­vel at an­cient rel­ics on the Ro­man Canal hik­ing trail.

Level of difficulty: easy

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Cop­per Trail

Today golden-yel­low calam­ine pan­sies still bloom along the route to Stol­berg

For a long time, met­al ex­trac­tion and pro­cess­ing were tra­di­tion­al trades in Stol­berg near Aachen. The Cop­per Trail leads dir­ec­tly in­to the past.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Ahr­steig Trail

A hik­ing trail that links the Eifel with the Rhine

At 100 kilo­metres, the Ahr­steig is one of the short­er long-dis­tance hik­ing trails in Ger­many. But when it comes to vari­ety it can more than hold its own.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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Sauer­land High-Fly­er

A hik­ing trail for peak climbers

The Sauer­land Höhen­flug (Sauer­land High-Fly­er) crosses the sum­mits of Sauer­land and of­fers bird’s eye views of the val­leys.

Level of difficulty: intermediate

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More hik­ing trails in NRW

Kleine Brücken führen den Bödefelder Hollenpfad über die Bäche, © Tourismus Schmallenberger Sauerland / K.-P. Kappest

Böde­feld­er Hol­len­pfad

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Kleine Dörfer liegen auf dem Weg, © Uwe Völkner - Fotoagentur FOX

Way of St. James

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River Sieg Nature Trail, © RadRegionRheinland e.V.

River Sieg Nature Trail

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break at the Ahrsteig, © www.ahrtal.de

Ahr­steig Trail

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Wanderin fotografiert die Landschaft, © Joschka Meiburg

Cicu­lar Hik­ing Trails in the Maas-Schwalm-Nette Nature Park

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Winterberg High-Altitude Trail, © Ferienwelt Winterberg

Win­ter­berg High-Alti­tude Trail

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Skulpturenpfade im Kreis Mettmann Kunstwege, © Stadt Heiligenhaus

Trails of art in Nean­der­land

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Roman Canal Hiking Trail - aqueduct Mechernich, © Natalie Glatter, Wandermagazin

Ro­man Canal Hik­ing Trail

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Rambler at the Viaduct Hiking Trail, © Gemeinde Altenbeken

Via­duct Hik­ing Trail

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Olsberg Kneipp Hiking Trail, © Dominik Ketz

Ols­berg Kneipp Hik­ing Trail

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The Veischede Sun Trail, © IG Veischedetal

Veischede Sun Trail

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Canyon at the Teuto-Circuits hiking trails, © Rudolf Schubert


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Blick über die Landschaft - Rothaarsteig-Spuren, © Rothaarsteigverein e.V. Klaus-Peter Kappest


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Rheinsteig hiking trail, © Tourismus NRW e.V.

Rhein­steig hik­ing trail

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two people enjoy the scenery at the Egge trail, © Teutoburger Wald Tourismus

Egge Trail

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Kindelsbergpfad Fernblicke, © Natalie Glatter www.wandermagazin.de

Kindels­berg Trail

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The river at the Neanderland Steig trail, © Kreis Mettmann Martina Chardin

Nean­der­land Steig Trail

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fog at the Ehmsen trail, © Julian Stratenschulte

Ehm­sen Trail

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wood figures at the Upland Trail, © Tourist-Information Willingen

Up­land Trail

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panoramic views at the Bestwig Panorama Trail, © Reinhard Schmidtmann

Bestwig Pan­or­ama Trail

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Sauerland High-Flyer - the view at the range of mountains, © Sauerland Höhenflug

Sauer­land High-Fly­er

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Hängebrücke bei Kühhude am Rothaarsteig, © Rothaarsteigverein e.V. Björn Hänssler

Rothaar Trail

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Medebach Mountain Trail, © Touristik-Gesellschaft Medebach mbH

Medebach Moun­tain Trail

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Extertal Burg Sternberg, © Gemeinde Extertal

Hanseat­ic Trail

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Bergisch Trail, © Das Bergische gGmbH

Ber­gisch Trail

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Old tree at the Hermann Trail, © OWL Marketing GmbH,S. Westermann

Her­mann Trail

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In der Natur finden Wanderer interessante Pilze oder Pflanzen, © Foto Oliver Franke / Tourismus NRW e.V.

Wit­tgen­stein Slate Trail

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the landscape on Brilon Ridge Trail, © Brilon Wirtschaft und Tourismus GmbH

Bri­lon Ridge Trail

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Sonnenuntergänge in der wie unberührt wirkenden Natur sind besonders beeindruckend, © Foto Oliver Franke / Tourismus NRW e.V.

Via Ad­rina – The “Pan­or­amic Path”

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Blick vom Hermannsdenkmal, © Teutoburger Wald Tourismus - OWL GmbH

Her­mann Heights Trail

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Kalvarienberg Alendorf, © Johannes Höhn

Eifel Trail

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Die Usseler Heide ist Teil des Rundwegs, © Sauerland Höhenflug

Düd­ing­hausen Geo­lo­gic­al Trail

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Hikers at the Wilderness Trail, © G.Priske

Wil­der­ness Trail

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Der Landweg ist einer der Bergischen Streifzüge, © Das Bergische GmbH

Ber­gisch Wan­der­ings

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Kupferroute Bank an der Gedenkstätte, © Birgit Engelen

Cop­per Trail

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